The other day my bf(M26) and I (20f) were talking and he went of mentioning how he finds “pink and outtie vaginas the hottest” i don’t know what to say so I kinda just didn’t respond. I don’t think I have an outtie and I have some pigmentation down there. He also said that’s why he doesn’t go down on me because he doesn’t like how it looks. I genuinely don’t know how to react. How should I go about this?

  1. Every vagina is different. People doest love vaginas; people love each other. This is more ridiculous. Just move on.

  2. Ditch the idiot all vaginas are beautiful how ever they look i touched / licked, inserted all different lplay toys. Vaginas are lush very small looking to huge looking very big lips. Some with tiny clits to other with overly large clits, there gorgeous to have fun with and even better when they cum in your mouth.

    Seriously you deserve better, find some one that appreciates you and you body. And some one willing to satisfy you sexual needs and desires. Ever women are beautiful in there own way from the small andcskinny to the large.

  3. If my girlfriend told me my dick turned her off it would be the last time she saw my dick. I don’t see why it should be different for vaginas. Self-esteem is hard enough without people hurting your feelings like that. Don’t let him say things like that to you.

  4. yeah this sounds like a fresh “relationship” if any at all. And seeing how he cares so much about a vaginas looks and so little about you, i would probably already mentally prepare for a breakup.

    Its not about the not going down part, depending on how important that is to you but its just disrespectful talking about it like that to your face. Imagine you tell him his dick is too small thats why u wont suck it… You can confront him with this but honestly I would just leave.

    There are tons of better, more mature guys out there that you will have more fun with as well.

  5. Leave. If a 26 year old man says things like this – its a Lost cause. I would have thought he was like 18. Never ever have i heard someone say shit like this.

  6. Yeeeeeaahhh … I donno about you, but I’d be outta there and looking for a guy who gives mind-blowing head.

  7. All vaginas are different. I feel the porn industry has messed up people’s minds and expectations. Genitals do have pigmentation and it is absolutely normal.

  8. Vulva, labia. Your vagina is the birth canal and it is inside of you. Unless your partner has used a speculum and has actually looked at your vaginal wall and cervix, he wouldn’t be able to do that from looking at you on the outside. I’m guessing he’s talking about your labia.

    Let’s use proper wording about our own bodies ladies.

    Ps. Find a mature man who enjoys your labia and knows how lucky he is that you’re gracious enough to let him pleasure the fuck out of you with it.

  9. Damm

    I’d expect that from a 16 year old who only saw naked women in porn before, and had these unrealistic expectations. But a 26 year old? Is he also immature in other things or just this?

  10. Tell him you like larger men. Cut/uncut whichever he is not. See how he reacts. Likely defensively or with anger.

  11. How do you go about what? Leaving him? You say, “Good luck finding a pink outtie that likes losers. Bye.”

  12. He’s an ass. This is a red flag for two reasons:
    1. He’s got some weird ass views on what body aesthetics are. He hasn’t seen many vulvas outside of porn.
    2. He’s ok with making you feel bad about your body.

    No, wait there’s a third reason:
    3. He’s prepared to make you feel bad about your body to excuse him from pleasuring you in a sexual relationship.

    Don’t put up with someone who actively makes you feel bad about yourself. “Your small-minded, ignorant, selfish attitude puts me off doing anything with you.” would be a suitable response, I think 🤔

  13. Dump him, there are so many guys who would gladly put in the work and even make you feel good about how you look.

  14. “Yeah, I don’t find you attractive anymore because of the way you treat me, it’s best we go different ways now”

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