Me and my boyfriend are sexually active and very comfortable with each other since we’ve only been together for two months. However, when I give him oral he says that he enjoys it but not enough to orgasm. It’s very frustrating for me cause I want to give him pleasure the same way he pleasures me. I’ve talked to him about and showed my frustration but he seems pretty chill abou it (which frustrates me even more). From my previous experiences I never had any problem with oral, quite the opposite actually. But with my boyfriend now it’s different. The only difference is the fact that he’s circumcised and I’ve never been with anyone before that was circumcised. I don’t know if it makes much of a difference but the whole situation is putting me off sexually and I’m starting to overthinking a lot about this

  1. This probably has more to do with him than you. He may have a bit if death grip syndrome and oral doesn’t give him the stimulation he needs. This is just going to have to be something you two discuss and try to work through, but I would say you are overthinking it because it is most likely a him issue.

  2. He’s chill about it because it’s the norm for him, and he also doesn’t want you to feel bad about it or overthink it or anything like that.

    It’s also more common than people think. Part of it is because when you are pleasuring yourself, you have full control of things like pressure and rhythm. But when someone else is trying to please you, you could be so close to orgasm, and they could change pressure or rhythm ever so slightly, and you are no longer close to orgasm anymore. Furthermore, he could also easily be in his head, convinced that you don’t really enjoy it or don’t actually want him to finish in your mouth. And if that’s the case, you can overcome that by being playful, making it into a game, or anything else that gets him to stop overthinking it

  3. Try PIV and when he is close to cumming swap to mouth. He might have some performance anxiety. I have never came off head alone. This is the easiest method for me to bust from head. I love it. Especially when she keeps going.

  4. Find my other post about this exact topic I made earlier this morning. Maybe it will provide some clarity and guidance for you.

  5. Try different things while doing it. I’ve gotten many different weanie washes over the years. All of them weren’t a climax scenario. In a relationship communicating is the best advice. Everyone’s different. In my past adult relationships, with communication and comfort as time passed the issue resolved itself and became a non issue.

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