(I checked past posts but I didn’t find one that had to do with struggling in marriage, please remove if needed)

I’m curious, as someone currently married to a man that I struggled with over the years intimately and finding out he’s into something else in terms of looks.. should we divorce?(15 years)I’m thinking I should just set him free. We’re basically best friends that married each other but so sexually unsatisfied, the dude is the dead fish in the relationship and I’m the one with the high libido.

What sucks is now I’ve become chronically ill so I’m thinking sticking around all these years didn’t help with my mental state.

Would you want to divorce if your marriage were like this? If you married outside your type how’s your sex life going years into your marriage?

  1. Very nuanced question. I think to stay with someone for familiarity is wrong. Perhaps have a conversation delicately, about your concerns

  2. Are either of you happy in other ways? Like is the marriage fulfilling or is there built up resentment? My ex put on 40lbs 6 months after we got married. Her entire personality changed a year later. I was done, burned out. Tried another 3 years and it was miserable and pointless. I was not attracted to her the slightest at the end and when she left, it was a relief.

  3. 15 years is better than 30. Have a look at the deadbedrooms sub if you want to see your fate. It doesn’t get better, trust me. You’ll wear yourself down wondering what’s wrong with you, when in reality whatever your husbands “ideal” is is probably porn induced and has zero to do with you.

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