If this is the wrong place for this question, I would appreciate any suggestions for the best/better place for it.

I’ve seen a few of those “college porn” videos, featuring individuals who look like they could be college students, and shot in dorms (or what look like dorm rooms). But it strikes me as very unlikely that they really are college students: lots of risk for men and women, but especially women–harassment by others, disapproval of college administrators, parents, friends, etc. And somehow I doubt that women that young would be that uninhibited and enthusiastic about doing porn.

And somehow, those female “students” look to me like they’re on the young side for hookers.

What are your thoughts on this?

  1. ‘Professional’ porn is all fiction. After all, the people involved are actors. Start from the assumption that all porn is fiction until you hav3e evidence it isn’t. It’s the only sensible way to regard it. For example, if it is obvious that the camera is changing position, it naturally begs the question “Who is moving the camera”?

  2. Some of them are real, there was the whole “Duke Pornstar” thing a few years ago, I think her name was Belle Knox or something and there was a big media storm about it. But most of it is staged yes.

    >look to me like they’re on the young side for hookers.

    A lot of sex workers start very young, some far too young, sadly. So they may not be real college students but they’re real performers who may also dance or escort. It’s very common.

  3. Porn is entertainment. Porn is to real sex as Die Hard is to real police work.

    You are correct that almost all of this is staged, fake bullshit just to excite people.

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