Hi all! I have a fetish for white socks. My girlfriend and I have been dating for more than three years, we love each other and are ready to build a long-term serious relationship. I want to be completely frank with her and have no secrets, for this I need to confess my fetish to her. During sex, I hinted a couple of times that she should wear white socks and she reacted normally. But I’m afraid that if I admit that this is a very strong trigger for me, and that I would even like her to wear white socks more often in everyday life, then she will not understand me or even begin to feel disgusted. I understand that the longer I keep this a secret, the worse it gets, because if I admit it when we are married or have children, it will be much worse. Thanks in advance everyone for the advice!

UPD: Thanks everyone for the advices. you all gave me more confidence. I’ve talked with her about it. She said that she had noticed this in me a couple of times. And that it does not bother her, but rather gives her interest and novelty. She said that she now knows the attribute for future surprises. Thanks again everyone

  1. If yall both really love each other and can fart together and laugh about it you should really tell her and get her some with flowers

  2. Just tell her asap – in the grand scheme of things that’s really not too bad at all and I can’t imagine she will be offended by it.

  3. As a woman, I wouldn’t mind as long as I don’t feel like it’s overtaking our entire love life. It’s better to be straightforward than constantly hinting at what you actually want 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. “Something about you wearing white socks just turns me on so much”

    Don’t say just “white socks” turn you on, but rather that white socks ON HER is a turn on.

  5. tell her. cause its not a weird fetish in my
    opinion. and if she really loves you she wouldn’t take it as weird (imo). i would be okay if my bf confessed me that it turns him on when i wear white socks. but confess it in this way like “it turns me on when you wear white socks”. indicating that its her who turns you on but not white socks specifically

  6. So long as it doesn’t come across as totally obsessive and a schoolgirl kink. So think carefully how you want to phrase this. Make it about you wanting her to wear the secy whit socks.

    The everyday life thing is probably not goingbto be a reality – there are practicalities – like white socks doesn’t suit smart business attire. She might find this an eww every day thing.

    But talk sooner rather than later. Be honest.

  7. As far as fetishes go this ones pretty vanilla I don’t think you need to be ashamed xD

  8. In the grand scheme of things, this is a very light fetish, and as a woman, if I knew that was a turn-on for my hubby to wear white socks during sex no issues. Lots of people have sex with their socks on. It’s better than having a school girl dressup fetish indicating you like you I younger girls.

    As a woman, if my hubby asked for that, I would have zero objections unless it was summer and too hot for socks. Talk to her – surely this is no different to finding her sexy in an outfit/nice dress.

    Best of luck!

  9. Be careful, be sure she’s the one before letting your fetish out, she could use it against you if things go sour! If you do, don’t describe it as a fetish but as a turn on with her in particular in mind

  10. This is the easiest fetish ever. Literally all she has to do is wear white socks. I’d be thrilled if I had a partner and they had this fetish, would be so easy to turn them on!

  11. As long as you don’t want to fuck the socks. Then you should be ok to share this. Very mild really. I really dig short skirts and like them kept on during fun times. It isn’t so strange.

  12. As someone with sensory issues against socks, I could never lol. But it’s socks, nothing harmful and nothing to be ashamed about. She might find it strange to start, but that’s the case with most new sexual things. I doubt it would affect your relationship negatively if you actually are a healthy couple. Just make sure she knows that it’s not an ultimatum, and that if it’s something she wants to try, you both will ease into it.

  13. loooooolllll bro you are me. i love my bf in them. so rather than telling him, i bought a pair and i told him can you wear these for today? and he did. so now and then he wears them because i like them on him. i think you should buy white socks and tell her that hey can you wear these today in a way that she would feel desired by you

  14. Fetish or kink? Fetish usually means that you can’t get turned on without it, kink means you like it but don’t need it. I’m sure she would notice if the only times you got turned on was when she was wearing white socks. Good luck!

  15. >I would even like her to wear white socks more often in everyday life, then she will not understand me or even begin to feel disgusted.

    Why do you need her engaging your fetish in everyday life? It’s giving off objectification and disrespect. Are you tailoring your everyday life to addressing her eye candy preferences and fetishes?

    My advice is to keep it to the bedroom rather than treat her like a blowup sex doll to dress so you are turned on whenever she exists.🫤

  16. Buddy. It’s socks. You don’t like feet or shit or anything particularly odd. It’s socks my guy. You got this. Your psyching yourself out.

  17. ask her to wear long knee high white socks 🤌🏼 she’ll love it too, i know i love my knee high socks n skirt combo

  18. My SO sends me pictures of anime girls in outfits he wanna see me in. A lot with knee to thigh high socks. I picked up on it pretty quickly that that’s what he is into. I have ordered outfits and socks to match. I’ve also started to wear dresses more. Also, point out that if a woman’s feet stay warm, she gets there faster.

  19. This is the most vanilla fetish I’ve ever heard. If she won’t play along with this, she’s no fun.

  20. Buy her what you want her to wear. Give them to her and ask her to wear them during sex.

  21. I love how this resolved. When I first read fetish, I was wondering what it could be. White socks are very mild fetish and can be a fun thing she can play around with to excite you.

  22. Man I was excited seeing the title of the post, but the fetish itself is so mild that I was let down. Just tell her OP, I’ve heard weirder past partners and accepted those. It’s also a little green flag relationship test, as she should be pretty receptive of this.

  23. See honesty is always best in the long run and now she may have a few fetishes her self and when she tells you about them be supportive but honest and don’t be afraid to tell her yours , I bet you both also have some amazing fantasies if your comfortable talking about them she probably will be too.

  24. I’m happy everything worked out for you. Also this fetish is very minor compared to other fetishes ppl have.

  25. omg i’m sorry you feel shame for a fetish! if my partner said they had a fetish like this, i’d be excited to dress for them! this is a very innocent fetish and i hope she will be supportive 🩷

  26. It’s a very sweet fetish. As a 61 year old woman, I totally get it. It’s an innocent fetish. I see this as non-threatening. The benefit to your partner, if she understands, could be really great. We humans have some very interesting wiring.

    The best way to move forward is to own it.

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