How quick after meeting someone for the first time did you start having sex?

  1. Depends a bit on when you start counting, like when you see someone for the very first time ever, or from the start of the first actual date.

    If counting from the first date, about 20 minutes.

  2. I once met a man specifically to have sex so like… Maybe an hour or two?

    I was younger and dumber.

    Now, I’m older, still pretty dumb. It’s very difficult for me to be comfortable enough with someone to have sex with them.

  3. Quickest timeframe for me was like 4 weeks after meeting him

    I prefer to feel things out first, no matter how attracted I am

  4. Really depends on what my libido is like, whether the person I’d like to have sex with also wants to have sex, and whether the opportunity presents itself. That being said, the quickest for me has been…maybe 2-4 hours from the point of meeting?

  5. my FWB after my divorce (late 2021). A grand total of 12 hours.

    He was working that night I gave him my phone number and I had work the next day. I picked him up later on after agreeing to meet somewhere neutral. After the 15-minute drive back to my place, we got down to business

  6. Same day. That is not the norm but that was the quickest.

    If I had to generalize, I’d say at least a few weeks to a month or so, depends on how well we vibe and how things go.

  7. It just depends. Shortest was a one night stand. With my fiancé we did it on our 3rd date.

  8. Think after date like five, so maybe 3ish weeks? This was my now husband, it’s been many years so I could be off on that guess, but I’d say it was around 3ish weeks.

  9. I was on a solo vacation, and I matched with someone on Tinder my last night, but we couldn’t get together. In the morning, he asked if he could stop by my hotel before I checked out. I let him in my room, we shrugged, and got into bed. One of my favorite travel memories.

  10. Talked online for about a week. Met up and had sex after about 5 minutes. I plan on doing it again when he comes back through town.

  11. I think the shortest amount of time between meeting someone physically for the first time and having sex…. was maybe less than 15 minutes. Zero regrets.

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