I (21f) am kind of new to dating. I set up a date with this guy who I met online for Saturday but he offered today if I was free to talk on the phone today or tomorrow, before the date. I’ve never had a guy want to call me before a date. What if the phone call is awkward? I would rather just meet up in-person because I don’t love talking to strangers on the phone. We already set up the date for this Saturday so I’m just kind of confused.

  1. It’s a good idea for both.
    You may be able to judge from his talks if he is genuine enough for you to meet or just a waste of time.
    He might also be trying the same thing.
    OR he might want to understand you more so that he makes it special for you by creating an impression and not goof up

  2. I don’t like talking on the phone before either but some people do. I just say that I don’t like it and prefer to talk in person.

  3. Yeah, talking on the phone can make it easier to know whether you should go through with the date.

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