What mistakes have you made listening to your heart rather than your head?

  1. I tried to get close to the girl I fell in love with, but she didn’t want me, so I just made it awkward

  2. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer. 17:9)

  3. Knew I shouldn’t of asked her out, still did. She actually said yes but then retracted it and said “Now do it again, the right way with some flowers and a more romantic setting.

    Didn’t last long, glad it didn’t.

  4. The woman I was long term with after my divorce. Lured me in with all the attention and positives at first and I questioned it. Got serious and invested and she did a 180

  5. Staying with my ex as long as I did.

    About two months in, I realised I wasn’t attracted to her beyond platonic. Whilst she was a nice enough person, she surrounded herself in echo chambers. The only communities, friends and family she frequented all had her exact mindset and opinions, so being the only constant adversity or source of alternate opinions just made me look worse by comparison. Could never meet eye to eye on anything, and I felt so invalidated the whole relationship, on top of having zero romance – but felt like I was getting old, so just stuck it out.

    Now that I’m out, I feel as happy and healthy as I was in my early 20s. Met a lovely Latina that ticks all the boxes, and makes me feel loved, validated and appreciated. We can disagree on something, and be amiable about it, though we share a lot of political and social views anyway.

    I do miss my dog-son, though.

  6. Not a man. But I confessed to my Bestfriend in a cheezy and overly dramatic way. The kind you’d expect from a teenage girl. We’re almost 40 and we live together. I never anticipated what I’d do if he rejected me.

    Another mistake, I opted to study Biology in university because it’s “valuable”, and because I was passionate about it instead of studying something more practical.

  7. There was this girl I was dating back when who kind of lurched from crisis to crisis. And so I’d help out, until the next one. And the next. Of course, my instinct was to stay in it and hope the clouds cleared- that’s just loyalty, right?

    My brain finally tipped me off that 1) she didn’t appreciate the help. She *wanted* it, but didn’t value it 2) this was most of our relationship and it was very one-way and 3) she must have survived just fine at least up to the time we met, so any “leaving at a time like this” feeling I had was unnecessary.

  8. I don’t listen to my heart. It has a bad habit of making poor decisions just like the other head.

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