I dated my ex all through high school and college. I broke up with her because I was never truly happy and our relationship was toxic. We didn’t exactly end on bad terms but she wanted to try to make it work and I was done. Two weeks after we broke up from a ten year relationship she started dating a guy who she later married and is still married to. After our breakup, she would occasionally text me to hang out when she was in town. Two years after our breakup I met my now wife. She is the love of my life, my other half. She completes me and is my soul mate in every way. When I met her, I texted my ex and told her I wanted no more contact, that I did not want to out of respect for my girlfriend, now wife. Since then, she has texted me twice, both times were nothing of importance. And recently sent me friend requests on social media platforms which hurt my wife. She would wish me happy birthday, like my posts ect but I did not reciprocate so she seems to have stopped.

I’m confused on her intentions. A lot of time has passed and we both have moved on. At least I have. I don’t know know if she’s just curious but to me it seems she’s trying to stay connected at least in some degree. Maybe to show me she succeeded make me jealous or think she’s keeping me on the back burner I don’t know. But at the same time totally blocking her seems like a dick move and extreme even though I told her I wanted no contact when I met my wife. Or maybe I’m way overthinking this and her intentions are innocent. Thoughts?

  1. > But at the same time totally blocking her seems like a dick move and extreme even though I told her I wanted no contact when I met my wife.

    And yet…

    > sent me friend requests on social media platforms which hurt my wife

    Just block her and be done with it. You told her to stop, she didn’t stop, so now it’s on you to do what you can to prevent her from contacting you.

  2. Block her. Your wife has a problem with it, and you already told your ex not to contact you. What is the problem here? Who cares if your ex things you are a dick, you don’t want your wife to think you are a dick, do you? Who’s feelings matter more? Why is this even a question?

    Why is your ex doing this – who knows and why does it even matter? It could be that she isn’t happy in her marriage and she is trying to find out if you are in the same situation as her. It could be just curiosity. It could be that she and her husband have different rules and have no issue with contacting exes. Whatever the reason, why do you care?

  3. Why is your wife hurt about social media? It’s no big deal, it sounds like you guys are just still friends and there is nothing wrong with that. She needs to stop being so insecure.

  4. What the heck does it matter? Just keep blocking her. Respect your wife, soulmate and better half. Sheesh.

  5. Change your phone number mate. Don’t let the ex know it, of course.

    Preserve what you’ve got with the new lady or you might lose the lot.

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