So it’s been this popular thing to do to give people ratings, which I feel is completely messed up. You give objects a rating and a review, not a whole human being who has feelings, goals, aspirations, issues, and plain just trying to make it just like everyone else.

Saying you’re not attracted or are attracted is one thing, but to stick a number to them seems very dehumanizing. What is everyone’s take on this?

  1. I (34m) don’t rate specific people, especially to their face, but if I am talking about general dating dynamics with guy friends, I might say something like “If we had to rank a person on a 1-10 scale, it’s probably reasonable on average that a person who is 7/10 dates someone who would be rated 6-8/10, but it’s probably not reasonable for them to hold out for 9s and 10s who may be less interested.” OR if a man is asking for self improvement advice I might say “if you do X, Y, and Z you’ll move up 2-3 points on a 10 point scale” I refuse to actually rate them I’m just referring to the magnitude of the improvement. I don’t usually do this with women, but the men usually like the quantifiable info for perspective.

  2. Yeah, I have never understood the point of this. Furthermore, to me it has never been important how “conventionally attractive” someone is: I have my own preferences and know them well, and they diverge quite a bit from the average of all people’s preferences.

    Suppose someone sees my girlfriend and says, “Oh, I guess, she is… 7/10?” What should it mean to me? Probably absolutely nothing. To me she is infinity/10, because she is the most important woman in the world to me; who cares what she is to others?

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