Weight gain is my issue, not losing weight. I’ve stopped and started I dont know how many times. I know I’m not the only one but for the ones who were successful and got the body they wanted. What made you stick to the gym day in and day out?

  1. Routine and discipline.

    Every morning I woke up and didn’t want to go to the gym, I’d force myself to get dressed and walk through the door. If I still didn’t want to work out, I’d turn around and leave. I actually left only once. Influenza lol. I was wrecked for weeks.

    The other thing is do what you enjoy, or at the very least don’t hate.

  2. If i don’t work out, i don’t feel good. If i do work out, i feel better.

    *Plus sometimes it’s the only way i can feel something and that goes specifically to running. Running is awesome. If i ever stop running, i am dead.*

  3. Started working out cause I wanted a body to get all the phat bitches.

    Stuck with it cause I absolutely love the simplicity of it all. Man vs weight. It’s just me and an obstacle, nothing more. The outside world ceases to exist when I’m lifting and enjoying every moment of it.

  4. How i look naked and getting attention from women and overall better preferential treatment for the first time in my life.

  5. You have to be fully committed and make it a habit it. I had that habit and broke it. It has been hard ti get it back. My wife has issues and makes fun of me when I go. She is not supportive, I basically have to wall out on her. Menopause is hell on someone you love.

  6. I like how my arms and legs work. I like the attention. I like the guys I hang out with. I like what my wife says about my appearance. I like being strong enough to play with my kids.

  7. Family members are dropping like flies and have medical issues that could of been prevented with exercise so I’m getting ahead of the game

  8. Your body is simply a vessel for your life/spirit, you are its humble guide. Keep your vessel in as good of shape as you can. Live longer, and be a more capable human. Plus it helps that you tend to look/feel better.

    There’s no excuse to not to at least 10-20 push-ups a day – start there. It takes less than 5 minutes. That’s an extra 70-140 push-ups per week or 3600+ per year than you might already do. Scale/build as needed.

    1% better per day!

  9. Realising 1 hour of discomfort is better than 24 hours of discomfort every time you looked in the mirror.

  10. When I was in college, it was because I really wanted to lose weight. Over the years, weight loss became just one of the many reasons why I stick the gym. The mental health benefits have become a bigger motivation for working out.

  11. For the women. It gives me confidence. Even if I was married I’d tried to keep some muscle so I dont lose my wife to a Chad. Vain I know, but it’s why we all started.

  12. The veins appearing on my forearms. Legit looks like a thin tree slowly growing out more branches 🤤🤤

  13. Consistency, discipline, and showing up with a plan.

    Exercise became a hobby for me (not just something I feel I need to do) so that definitely made it easier.

    However, until you get to that point, if ever, you have to have a plan and minimize the number of decisions you need to make. This is the best way to minimize the friction that makes most people quit.

  14. The simple satisfaction of watching number go up.

    I struggled a lot until I actually started tracking my workouts. This obviously improved workout efficiency, but it also help *visualize* the improvement. A lot of times you just feel like you’re doing the same thing day after day, but the feeling you get looking at the graph and see that you just did an old 1 rep max for 10 is something else.

  15. I have a paper where I mark down every day that I DONT run or lift. That way, I have to force myzelf to notice when you don’t exercise. Last year, I didn’t exercise for only 40 days. This year, only 2! So I think that works for me.

  16. My wife. We started together and I lost interest, not unlike every other time I’ve tried starting the gym. She kept going and looks amazing. I refuse to be a schlubby piece of shit while she looks like a greek goddess.

  17. I want to have sex with fit, slim women so it’d be hypocritical for me to be out of shape.

  18. I HAVE to go to the gym, I don’t want to. The guilt of breaking this cycle eats me alive. I really need it for my mental health. The physical benefits are just a nice bonus.

  19. People keep asking these questions (normally around January) “how do I keep myself going?” etc and it’s literally that simple just fucking go.

    There are always days you don’t wanna go but you gotta want the results more than you want to stay in or eat shitty food. If you have to ask others for stuff to motivate you to keep going I can already say you ain’t sticking to it because they won’t be there on a random Thursday evening in 2 weeks when you’re meant to hit a heavy leg day and would rather just skip.

  20. I didn’t care about results i just focused on establishing a habit.

    First two months if I showed up and got changed it was a success. Usually did something cause I was already there but that was a bonus.

    After that i just pushed the goalposts a bit each month. 15 min workout. 15 min workout + a few reps weights. 30min and a few reps.

    Now I have a schedule, can deadlift 400+, and am in the best shape of my life. 3 solid workout days a week is all my requirements are.

  21. Depression. The routine of the gym, the endorphin hit, the added bonus of looking ok naked. Just helps not fill my time sad or doing my other depression crutch which was drinking lol.

    Sad reality but it helps!

  22. First of, it feels great when you actually FEEL your muscles, especially back muscles feely great when you flex it.
    Secondly, it feels great when people stare at u in public, especially ladies ofc. Sometimes even look back at you, especially when they’re in groups 😁🥰.
    Another reason is, it feels great when you look good… You just feel like an actual man and not poop. I can’t imagine going back to old form with tiny arms and legs, fat tits and big belly…
    Doing this also makes me feel good about myself.
    Another reason is weight maintain ofc aswell. I do run aswell tho.
    And lastly, i wanna be in shape so my future partner won’t have reason to look elsewhere for good looking man.

  23. It is, without question, my favorite thing to do. To the point where on rest days, even though I know my body needs to recover, I REALLY want to do it (but I don’t).

    To me, it’s just the best. I love it.

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