Fathers of Reddit, what would your kid have to do to make you think you’d failed as a father?

  1. As an adult, not talk to me

    I’m the father of two, one is in junior high and is going through the phase of not wanting to talk to me as much but my oldest is successfully away at college and we’re always in contact.

  2. If one of them committed a particularly serious crime like murder, extreme fraud that bilked people out of life savings, etc. Something that they 100% thought through, knew it was wrong, and did it anyway. I would feel like a complete failure as a dad at that point.

  3. Rapist, school shooter or thinks Chris Chibnall was the best thing to happen to Doctor Who

  4. School shooter, gang member, drug addict, alcoholic, major in liberal arts, stripper or OF girl.

  5. If my son came out as transgender I’d consider that a failure on MY part by not giving him a strong enough male role model in his life.

  6. Lack of awareness on how their actions effect others.

    It covers what most are already saying here, but as a whole, I’d love to see that quality in my children all the way through.

    This goes from school shooter and rapist all the way down to just common decency towards others. It’s the fundamental part of being a good person.

  7. Bully someone. I know kids can make mistakes, however even after teaching them it’s wrong and to try and understand someone they continue to do it I would consider myself a failure.

  8. If my kid would feel shame or be scared to turn to me and tell me their problems or anything.

  9. I can’t believe this hasn’t been said yet.

    I want to raise my girls to grow up to be happy. That’s simply it. If they grow up not to be, I’d consider that a failure on my part.

    There’s loads that goes in to that – self confidence, resilience for when things don’t go wrong, opportunities in terms of education and life skills etc etc but the ultimate goal is for them to be happy people.

  10. Rape, sexual assault, murdering a child. You know, those things.

    I can forgive murder, theft, rocbbery and burglary, but not SA. Although it would have to be watertight solid evidence. If he was convinced without evidence, I’d consider him innocent.

  11. If my son ever hit a woman for any reason other than legitimate self defense, I would 1. abort him and 2. feel like a failure

  12. Nothing. You do the best you can, but your child becomes an individual with the ability to make their own choices.

  13. Either sexual assault, assault of minors, or devastating fraud. Violence I’d be willing to at least try to see their side on,, murder a little less-so, infidelity is a hard no.

  14. Excluding obvious bad behavior things (e.g., criminal activity), not standing up and helping someone in need would be a big deal for me. Fortunately, every adult in my daughter’s life (teachers, leaders, etc) all say that she’s the first to reach out to someone in need. That’s my girl.

  15. Outside of the obvious violent/crimes against another, drop out of school. Me and my wife has put heavy emphasis on school, she dropped out at 9th grade and struggled till she met me, fought to get her GED, then struggled through college. She’s not dropping out and there’s no reason for her to

  16. This sub made me fear having a son simply because if I fuck up that bad he can become a pedophile

  17. If I was a father, I feel like I’d be a failure if my kids felt they couldn’t come to me with their problems.

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