I visited NYC a few weeks ago to see some friends and family, one of them suggested to go to a bar. I was aghast, it was 10 PM! Is this the norm in the states?

  1. When I lived in Baton Rouge we would leave after our bars closed at 1:30AM for New Orleans. That was a 90 minute drive. But NOLA has 24 hour bars.
    Lucky Dogs for breakfast as the sun comes up on the Quarter for the win.

  2. Anywhere from a little before whenever we’re going out for dinner to 2 hours before closing time (2AM here but differs by location). What is a normal time for you?

  3. When I was in my early 20s yeah that was normal. Now that I’m pushing 40, I go to my neighborhood bar as soon as I get home from work. Around 5:15-5:30. Bullshit with the bartender and the regulars for a little bit. Usually stay until around 8pm. Then pick up tacos or Chinese or a pizza or maybe 7-11 junk food on the walk home.

  4. Depends on what we’re doing.

    Sports games can start as early as 10am even earlier if it’s EU football.

    Wine country dies down by 6pm

    4-9pm seems to be the best time for breweries.

    Typically we meetup around 9pm for a night on the town… if you try showing up after 10:30 everything is too packed, and if you wait until after midnight it’s too dead.

  5. I remember people doing that in college. They’d be drinking in the dorms and then head to the bars around 10 or later. I always thought it was because it’s cheaper to drink at home than at a bar but that doesn’t really check out because you could do both earlier and have more time to hang out, maybe even leave early enough to catch public transportation home or sleep before the sun comes up.

  6. In my 20s 9/10 was definitely the beginning of the night.

    Now that’s I’m in my 30s…it’s a different story. 8 maybe.

  7. I don’t drink so I have never gone to bars other than for karaoke, but plenty of dance clubs. For both, 10pm or later has been standard.

  8. I work security at a bar. I start my shifts at 8 or 9. We usually get busy around 10.

  9. Metro Detroit, early 30’s, in the industry. We go out to whatever is local and is open the latest because we all get off late..

  10. We’re old. When I was very young it was normal to pre-game then hit the bars at 10-11. Now? We hit happy hour for cocktails we could have never afforded at 5:30 and call it a night by 9.

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