I’m studying at university to become an English teacher (second language). I was supposed to write an autobiographical story for one of my classes. We are expected to workshop our stories in groups with other students. And I think I might have gone overboard.

I’ve been through a lot of bad times, so happy but compelling memories are hard to come by. I thought I got one that was kind of cutesy and silly and hopeful, though, so I went with that. Well, as I was writing, context reasserted itself. I couldn’t stop writing, I was almost in this trance-like state, just a flood of memories. The result is pretty dark, I think. It’s really hard for me to judge how other people see these things in general, though. I am really pleased with the technical level of my writing and I don’t have the time to write another one.

To summarize the thing, I come late to school and I’m missing my homework. I give what sounds like a bullshit excuse – I was baking cookies with my mom. It doesn’t fly and I get into trouble. I then jump to yesterday, when I came home to mom baking after several weeks of barely getting out of bed. Everything is clean and I get very hopeful. Looking back, she was in a manic episode. My mom was quite seriously mentally ill (of course I knew that, I just… I thought we got carried away baking and it was a rare instance of joy – until I remembered the rest). Over the course of the afternoon, things get increasingly bizarre until she gets exhausted and totally loses it on me for not handing her the right ingredient fast enough and I imply that she went on the whole night. I then cut back to the school, hinting that this is far from an isolated occurrence.

You can see many instances of preventative fawning behavior and attempts at keeping on top of her emotional state, her illogical behavior, her running off crying, some fairly hurtful words pointed at me, and age regression in a bid to appease her.

I am comfortable sharing this story, but I am not sure other people would be comfortable with reading it, especially with having me there and knowing it’s autobiographical. Even if I give a content warning, it would still require the person to be quite assertive to refuse to work with it. On the other hand, I can see the value of being exposed to such accounts as a future teacher, since there’s quite a bit about how something like that would look in a school environment. Alternatively, I can bring up this issue with the teacher before class. I think he’d let me off the hook if I explained the situation. But I can’t help feeling like that would be an overreaction and I don’t want to blow it out of proportion. Is it even that bad? I tend to misjudge these things both ways quite a lot. And I’m kind of proud of the story, to tell the truth.

  1. I think while very personal, it’s great circumstance to shed light on. Literature, like any art, doesn’t have to be commercially “pretty”, it is meant to capture and take the one exposed to it to have different emotions and eye opening realizations.

    I think it isnt a happy one, and if that was what was asked, maybe talk to the prof beforehand, but i think it is a valuable one to share.

    And my best art has always been the one that chose and held me captive as i expressed it.

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