I’m 37F and been married for 20 years to 42m and we have two teens together and his mother step father and her mother the grandmother of my husband.. I feel overwhelmed, unappreciated, treated like crap constantly. And we have been living and caring for his mother and husband for 10 years. Omg I can’t take it anymore, the only I get is sex out of it, that’s it everything else is work or caring for someone else, cleaning after all these people that can’t do one thing on their own. And on top of that he will fight scream in my face over them. To fight with me his wife constantly over them. I think basically comes down to who is in charge of this household. 2 years ago, I wanted to move away from them and because of my inability to care for my children financially by myself, feel like I had to move them in and my husband loves his mother. It like I’m the side piece, and his mother is the wife. I want to leave him so bad. And this place

  1. I’m sorry. My situation is different but I can very much relate to feeling like the side chick.

    About a year ago, my husband started therapy where he learned he was enmeshed to his mother. Now we are learning about the effects of that and trying to rebuild our marriage that had almost totally crumbled because he refused to acknowledge that she was coming between us.

    I hope that somehow, your husband can recognize the issue too, and you can work on rebuilding your marriage. But, if you want to leave – that’s okay too. You deserve better.

  2. Quit being a doormat, pack your shit, lawyer up, and get the fuck out before you waste another goddamn second in this toxic cesspool of a life.

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