What’s a goal you wanted to achieve but it’s impossible now?

  1. I’m 38 next week. I’m starting to think that I’m never going to make it into the NHL.

  2. An F1 career or any kind of career in motorsport. Racing is a rich man’s game, and like other pro sports, the door to entry is already shut at a young age.

  3. Buying a house in SoCal. It’s a disaster. Unless I want to lengthen my commute by an hour. I’m priced out of three counties. I’d have to up root everything and everyone i know to afford a two bedroom mobile home at this point and I make $85000.00 + a year.

  4. Honestly, starting a family, I’m in my 40’s, single, not well at the moment, haven’t had a serious relationship in years, have no children, I’d love to give my parents grandchildren.

    It’s just not going to happen.

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