Not sure if this allowed here but i’m not sure where else to ask. Please delete if its not ok.

I’m currently recovering from OCD and unemployment, I have recently got a job working at an Italian restaurant which is about a 45 minute train away.

I’ve totally miscalculated my budget this month, and after paying my phone bill I don’t have the money for tomorrows ticket.

Does anyone know of any charities or other help that could help me cover this tomorrow? If so please do let me know, id be very grateful. I can’t find anything from my searches. Thank you.



  1. Probably none that can get you the money before tomorrow. What about a friend? or car pool with coworker?

  2. Might be useful to know where you’re travelling from and to.

    Is this across a major city or between two different towns?

  3. Depending on the amount, some payments just go through automatically. It’s how many a student overdraft is abused. Doesn’t help in the long term but most account terms and conditions allow payments to be made at the discretion of the bank and if it’s small enough it might not get checked

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