How do you prepare for an event where drama is sure to go down?

  1. Boring answer, but I don’t go. I fucking hate being in any environment where people are upset, angry and/or loud so much, I grew up in a house like that and now I have zero tolerance for it, even if the drama is concerning someone/something completely unrelated to me. I’ll cancel and do something fun and relaxing in peace instead.

    If I have to go for whatever reason, I’ll keep far away from the people involved the entire night, and make sure I can slip outside when the shit hits the fan.

  2. Honestly? I don’t go. If I have to, I do not engage. Drama is overrated and unnecessary and I have no time for it. Those who start it and carry it on need to grow up. They’ll see how much better life is.

  3. I stay home. Drama is such an energy suck and a real sign that I’m hanging out with the wrong folks.

  4. If it involves me I wouldn’t bother, I’m never going to turn down free entertainment though

  5. Recently encountered this at my brother in laws funeral. Just kept telling myself “not my monkeys not my circus”

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