What’s your Halloween costume?

  1. Michigan shirt and hat

    Trench coat


    Laminated giant sheet of paper with printed sign language on it.

  2. This year, Rorschach from Watchmen. Last year I was the Phantom of the Opera. I’m too old to go trick or treating, but we have a family costume party every year.

  3. My friend group has a tradition of doing a look alike contest, mostly sparked because I didn’t want to wear a costume one year and my friend suggested a “Crayshack costume contest” so that I’d be officially in costume. We’ve since started rotating who everyone will be dressing up as. So, this year I will be dressed as one of my friends but presented as a scenario of them dressing like me.

  4. Same as every year. A mom sitting on my porch passing out candy while my kids go trick or treating.

  5. Going to a “double trouble” themed party where we all dress up as famous duos. Got a friend going as Ash Ketchum and I will be going as Pikachu.

  6. It will depend on the temperature. If it is cool enough I have a lemur costume. If it is not cool enough then it will maybe be an orange shirt and black pants… maybe I will make a jack o’lantern face on the shirt.

  7. The father of Bluey and Ghost Spider.

    I did the costume thing last year when my daughter wanted to be Blue from Blues Clues (it was easy enough to get a blue striped shirt, jeans and sneakers and be Josh)

    But this year I’m just me.

  8. Pajama pants, t-shirt, robe and sneakers along with a towel and I go as Arthur Dent from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

  9. Two. The first was a woolly mammoth with a fur vest and a hat I made with tusks, a trunk, and ears, and the second is Hopper from Stranger Things since I’m a stubbly faced Sandy blonde white guy so obviously we look just alike

  10. Sexy Saw Patrol.

    I’m going as the cop from Paw Patrol and my girlfriend is going as JigSaw, but we’re sexying both of them up.

  11. Been in bed with a bad back all week so I’m going to have to throw something together in like half an hour after work for my friend’s party tonight.

  12. Pokemon Trainer bc my little kid is going as a Pokemon. If we run into any other kids dressed as Pokemon I’ll be sure to send mine over to fight them so I can collect their costume.

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