I am very afraid of being cheated on if i have a relationship, because everywhere i see on the internet people cheating on the people who love them this disgust me and it induced a fear in my mind. What if it happen to me and i am spending too much and energy worring about which i dont want.

I dont know if this fear is real or not.
Its just i cant trust a paterner and think that they will cheate on me,
I cant think of any reason why they wont do it or if people really love someone.

Anytime i see a post say thta there partner cheated on them it just make me disgusted and thinking why people do this. Does all they care about is themselve then why even having a relationship with someone you font love.
And if you love them then, why cheating and breaking heart of someone you love,
Its never a mistake.

I dont know but i cant trust someone for someone and always have a fear to be cheated.

But i also want to have a loving and happy relationship.
I want to believe that people love someone and spend their life with them.

I dont know if something is wrong with me or its normal to think that way.

Plz suggest/advice any help you can.
Or anyone with more experidnced than me in life can help.

TL;DR- I am very afraid of being cheated on if i have a relationship, how to cope.

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