I’m 14 (male), and am in 8th grade. Yes I know, I’m young? But I feel like people are doing the same thing. I need advice what do I do

  1. Ok so, maybe walking straight into trollbait but in the off chance all of this is real:

    What should you do? As someone who was a teenager once, get to kissing my dude. Meet some girls, go on a date, try some flirty kissy thing, make out, all good!

    The blowjob? No one sensible your age is having blowjobs, if they say they do, for 99% chance they’re either bragging and lying and the 1% that aren’t are doing something they both regret. You’re 14, you’re experiencing sexual awakening, but just get to know your sexual self better and just stick to wanking for now 😀

  2. Lmao, young bull!

    Just go be young and have fun. No special sauce, be authentic with the right person and take your time just relax!

    I was 14 when I did it all, life comes at whatever speed it comes.

  3. Just because you want her to do it doesn’t mean anything if she isn’t okay with it as well. You shouldn’t try to persuade her or anything. Just ask her if she wants to do it. If she says no, well then that’s that.

  4. Pull back on the reins there, young mustang. GF for some snuggling and kissing, maybe a little petting – yep, sure. Jumping right in to “adult sexual activity” is moving way too fast. Work on developing your social skills and personality, meeting girls and interacting with them in the real world. I know you don’t want to hear this, but this is truth. Try and learn about women, their personalities, and how they differ from guys in so many ways. Sounds boring, but it will pay off big time as you get older.

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