Just looking for a bf that won’t cheat n loven caring n love to go places n spend time together I just want to be happy

  1. If you’re venting you should put more work into your post. Maybe you can find out why you’ve not found a boyfriend that meets your criteria if you think about it? Or just try looking elsewhere for higher quality men.

  2. While being loved and cared for having someone who will not cheat on you are standards. I do suggest you perhaps broaden what you are looking for. I understand to know that empty feeling very well. The one where you just want to be happy. You just wish someone would treat you with respect. Where you don’t want to be hurt the same way again.

    I suggest you take some time to take care of yourself. Is when you’re in a happier place on your own. You are less likely to let yourself be dragged into a poor relationship. It’s something that I had to learn the hard way. I went from being cheated on to silently growing distances. Niw instead they break up with me honestly. I admit I often don’t appreciate the reasons. But I can respect them for breaking things off rather than cheat on me or hurt me by giving up.

    You’ll get there in time

  3. Become a higher quality woman first- one who’s not desperately seeking validation on Reddit. Become worthy of a man like that.

  4. Good luck we’re all losers on Reddit unless you looking for Lester that’s all you’ll find here 😂

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