Alright this may sound odd but I am at a loss, and Google has led me nowhere. Maybe someone here can offer insight. I (24M) have experienced a fundamental change to the way I orgasm and ejaculate during sex/masturbation, and it seemingly changed out of no where.

A couple weeks ago, my girlfriend (26F) had surgery and we took about a week off from sex for her recovery. When we finally got to it again, even after an entire week of no sex or masturbation, I was able to last a really long time. Typically if I have a hiatus, I won’t last long, which is expected. Idk, not a big deal, just abnormal. Normally it’d be like a 5-10 minute thing, not 30-45.

What really got me, though, was what my orgasm and ejaculation felt like. Unlike anything else I’ve experienced. It was a slow, dull but pleasant build up, when, for the last 24 years of my life, it was a steep build to climax. I also started leaking before even finishing, which again, is not something I’ve done before. The peak radiated through my entire pelvic area and lasted longer than usual. I also felt what I would describe as light pain in my scrotum area and deeper, maybe prostate? I’m not too familiar. But it wasn’t unpleasant, rather it felt very intense like there was a strain, but it added to the pleasure. Ultimately, it lasted longer from build up to climax, was more intense, and involved more semen.

I chalked it up to being a result of the long wait. And I felt physically and mentally drained afterwards. Then the next day, it happened again. Same exact way, even though I was reacclimated to sex. I thought maybe it was a prostate orgasm, but with only PIV I don’t think it’s possible.

It’s been weeks now and every time is similar. My orgasms have fundamentally changed. They take forever, I leak precum during the build up, get an intense, long orgasm that radiates my entire pelvis, feel a slight strain in my scrotum/prostate, and more semen than what’s typical comes out. I’m not complaining exactly, they are better, but I can’t help but feel a bit off. What I’ve been used to for years no longer applies. No more quickies lol. It feels deeper than just my penis, unlike before. I understand that orgasms can change over time and many factors go into their intensity, but the consistency is what’s confusing me.

My only theory is that a new medication I started taking for anxiety reached its therapeutic levels and is having a significant effect on my sexual function. I read that it is commonly used to treat those with sexual dysfunction caused by SSRIs and antidepressants. My libido feels the same, and I’m skeptical that an anxiety med could have such a profound physiological effect on my body, but it’s all I can think of. I’ve considered speaking to my PCP but my male doctor recently switched practices and I haven’t even met my new female doctor, so it’s a bit TMI for a first impression in my mind.

Anyone experience something similar or can put my mind at ease? Like I’m not upset, it’s just so odd to me. My girlfriend is also shocked and at times annoyed by the difficulty to reach climax. Anyways, thank for reading if you got this far.

  1. re: being TMI for your new doctor – she’s a doctor and she’s heard it all. definitely tell her asap if you feel it could be a medical problem.

  2. Any ssri and most antidepressants and anxiolytics commonly have sexual dysfunction side effects. Anything from just delayed orgasm to anorgasmia to genital numbness and ED. Your reaction sounds pretty minor.

    The effects may be temporary and go away after taking the med for a while, or they could stick around for as long as you take it. When I was trialing different antidepressants and atypical antidepressants the weird sexual side effects always diminished a little after a couple months at the same dose and went away entirely after a few weeks when stopping taking it.

    If it’s not bothering you then enjoy your new sexual super powers. Maybe buy a cape or something

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