I’m a 25 year old female and I have zero sex drive. But it wasn’t always this way. I used to crave it ALL the time. Like I’d think about it constantly and would be down to do it anywhere. And then from ages 19-25 I was in a very toxic relationship and slowly my sex drive went away. I don’t know if it’s a mental thing or if my hormones are out of whack (I’ve been on birth control for years), or if it is a result of my drug use in recent years but I am just completely lacking a sex drive and I would like to have it back. Any advice?

  1. Male 25 here, I was in a toxic relationship too and my sex drive used to be high too. I’d say from my perspective it’s something mental but also something with age.
    I sometimes feel like I’m not that horny teenager anymore that I used to be and somewhat matured.
    I usually look for warm hugs instead of sex.

    Talk with your GP about it and see if he/she can forward you to a specialist that can find the underlying issue.

    Hope this helps

  2. Take a dopamine break. No sex! No masturbation. Exercise regimen. Change your diet. Have your doctor test you blood and if you have any vitamin deficiency. D deficiency can screw with your mood especially in northern climates this time of year

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