Do you just eat too much or are there some more complicated reasons?

  1. Poor relationship with food due to my mom also having a poor relationship with food, every bad habit was passed to me. I’m slowly working on it though.

  2. PCOS 🤷🏻‍♀️ makes me hungry and lazy all the time. Only time I was able to lose weight was when I was so broke I couldn’t afford food other than cereal and milk

  3. I love food and don’t exercise. Been eating better and less for a few months now, progress is slow because I’m short and have a slow metabolism, but hopefully it’ll pay off eventually. I’ve also gotta work up the motivation to get my ass to the gym

  4. I eat a lot when I’m down, which is always since I’m clinically depressed, and I have not exercised one single day of my life, so my BMR is just slightly above 1000. Right now I’m also completely sedentary and haven’t been outside for months, so that obviously doesn’t make anything better.

  5. Combination of loving high calorie foods, being uninterested in most forms of exercise are the most direct factors, but those are both exacerbated by depression and ADHD. I lost 75 lbs a few years ago by taking up running and cutting calories; it worked great but the second I hit my goal weight, I stopped doing it all. It was enough for me to know I *could* do it and now I’m comfortable with how I look and feel, so I really don’t try to watch my weight beyond attempting portion control.

  6. Undiagnosed PCOS/hyperandrogenism. As soon as I started medications I didn’t change my diet or exercise and lost 10 pounds. Everyone says oh you need to cut this or that, but I already don’t eat or drink those things. Oh your portion is too big you must need to weigh it. Then how did I do a very prescribed 6 week diet and exercise challenge at a gym with a menu so specific it came with a shopping list and recipes and worked out 5x week with HIIT and whole days skiing and didn’t lose a single pound when my peers were literally melting away pants sizes week after week. Oh that’s right because I had an underlying medical reason that didn’t get addressed until my electrologist said I had enough chin hair to suggest PCOS and should tell my Dr to test for it.

    Sorry still bitter it took until 39 for someone to listen and not just tell me “eat less move more” “CICO works you just are doing it wrong”

  7. I’ve always been somebody who “rewards” myself with unhealthy food/overeating. These “rewards” are usually due to stress/business. Whenever I’ve been super overwhelmed, I eat horribly and gain tons of weight. Right now, I teach and take three graduate courses, so I’m fat. In college during years I worked the night shift, I was fat.

  8. It started with growing 7 inches in 10 months time when i was 11, i needed to eat soooo much to keep up with the growth spurt, after that spurt i was done growing but unfortunately my knee caps hadnt grown along so i couldnt exercise due to pain, even cycling was supposed to be limited, i had no guidance living in an abusive home, my stomach said hungry so i ate but i didnt need the energy anymore, so i gained 15 kilos too much

    Then my former stepdad (abusive jerk too) demanded i lose the 15 kg in 4 months time and would give me 500 guilders if i succeeded, but medically i was still not allowed to exercise, so i barely ate

    I managed to lose 14.6kg, went to a nutritionist afterwards, who told me to eat 4 slices of bread a day and potatoes, veg, meat at night, fuck all those carbs, within a short time i regained the 15 kilos PLUS an additional 10 kg, now i was 90 kg

    My mother was also an abusive piece of poop so after all that i developed binge eating disorder to cope with the BS that was my childhood

    And all of that was the start of life long weight issues, my metabolism was entirely fucked up due to all of that, never mind the mental health issues i had from the abuse

    All the while also being an undiagnosed autistic woman (didnt know till i was 40, am 43 now) making life extra extra hard

    At my heaviest i was 120 kg, got it down to 73 kg 4 years ago responsibly, moved homes, covid happened (very intense things for an autistic person more so then for a neurotypical person) and regained 30, but down 10 kg again

    At 90 kg at least im back down to the weight i had when i was 15, will be working on getting it further down, but fibromyalgia and perimenopause make that so much harder than before

    Thats the short of it 🥴

  9. I’m short and my metabolism is slow. 1200 calories per day every day for the rest of forever is too depressing to contemplate.

  10. I was a fat baby out of the womb, a fat toddler, a fat child, a fat teen, and now I’m a fat adult. There was never a time when I was thin or even “average.”

  11. Put on 20 kilos in 6 months because of anti-psychotic medication, didn’t know how to lose it without relapsing my untreated anorexia. Put on another 10 or so over 2 years of covid lockdowns.

    Am also disabled, so sometimes I don’t have a choice and have to have a sedentary lifestyle.

  12. Ptsd- I’ve suffered from it since a child, but recently my meds which are known to cause weight gain haven’t been helping. I tend to stress eat as a distraction. I know I can lose the weight, it’s just a vicious cycle.

  13. Just had a baby. Unfortunately one of my pregnancy symptoms was ravenous hunger. I would go from not hungry to intense pain, nausea, light-headed and dizzy. Like I haven’t eaten in days. And it happened about 5 times a day. Only totally engorging myself would make it go away. Happened all three pregnancies.

    I did lose the weight after my other 2 but number 3 is still only 4 months old right now so I have other priorities.

  14. I’ve had eating issues since I was 14. My teenage years it was mainly anorexia. In college I started binging and purging. In 2020 I began binging more and gained 40+ lbs

  15. A binge eating disorder that started in childhood and lasted well into my 20’s. My father was abusive, and we children were absolutely not allowed to disturb his daily TV time. We were to remain in our bedrooms, doing whatever we wanted as long as we were quiet, out of sight out of mind, until he went to bed. Then we were allowed to come out and eat as much as we wanted, because my mother felt guilty. Then, even as an adult, I’d go without eating until my blood sugar was so low, and I felt so bad, that I’d overeat sugary and high carbohydrate foods to quickly bring it up. Then the process repeated itself. I gained 10 lbs of weight per year until I’d gained 70 lbs. I’ve had a hell of a hard time losing it even with diet and exercise. I also have two auto inflammatory diseases: endometriosis and hidradenitis suppurativa. My only sibling also has a binge eating disorder that is somewhat different than mine, and he is about 80 lbs overweight.

  16. I use food as a boredom fixer, I’m incredibly depressed so don’t move more than I have to and I’m genetically predisposed.

  17. Exercise makes me aggressive and depressed. I’ve tried like every type there is and it just makes me hate myself. And then I eat food to feel better. Yay!

  18. I like food that isn’t good for me, I work 50 hours a week, hate exercise, and suffered emotional abuse due to bullying.

    If I had someone who would actually keep me motivated to exercise, it would help. I get bored too easily.

  19. No matter what I do my body wants to be like my ancestors… plump Scottish peasant women.

  20. Genetics and poor diet, specifically eating out too much and just not making calories count. Limited myself to 1400 calories a day and have lost 9 lbs. in 25 days and don’t even miss fast food anymore.

  21. Lazy and I love food too much. I know what I have to do, I just don’t want to do it. I don’t love exercising, I don’t love not being able to eat brownies and chips and muffins and butter. I just lack self control and have zero motivation. I’m 53 and I can’t be bothered anymore

  22. Partially genetics, partially my diet. I do intensive kickboxing and lifting routines 3-5 days a week, do a good amount of hiking, and my doctor says I’m perfectly healthy, so I’m not all that worried about extra weight.

  23. PCOS and being short, so the odds are really against me. I never eat junk food, I hate soda, never have sweets, don’t snack, I do all “healthy” replacements that I can and have done so my whole life and I’m still overweight.

    I discovered to be at a “healthy” weight at my height I would need to eat 1200 calories or so. That’s honestly bonkers. I tried doing it for a while but I was so goddamn hungry, miserable, and lightheaded. I genuinely don’t eat bad at all in my day to day life. I could have an exercise routine admittedly but I know abs are made in the kitchen. Even when I had a good exercise routine going at one point of my life I didn’t have any significant weight change at all.

    It really angers me when people say it’s only CICO. It’s really fucking not. My partner eats like garbage all the time, snacks constantly, never exercises, and is still fucking skinny and even has muscles somehow. When he eats meals he eats normal sized portions, it’s not like he’s starving himself. It pisses me off so much that he can enjoy life and look hot meanwhile I can’t help but always feel guilty about the one indulgence I have once in a blue moon because I’ll never be skinny.

    I hate that most men don’t have to deal with hormonal problems, whereas there’s a large percentage of women that do yet it’s women that have the expectation of being skinny. Also so many people are on medications that make them gain weight, especially women since we are genetically predisposed to hold more fat (yes this is scientifically a fact) and then men wonder why many women struggle with weight.

  24. Probably equal parts genetics (at a funeral last year I noticed I was the thinnest woman there who was a blood relative) and my hatred of wasting food. Plus I don’t particularly appreciate having a bunch of random crap around the house, so food is usually the celebration or treat.

    It doesn’t help that my husband doesn’t like raw veggies so salads are pretty much out as a daily option and all the veggies he likes to cook have butter or olive oil.

    All my bloodwork is great though, and I happen to think I carry the weight well. But no one ever asks about that. It’s just: “Women over 150 lbs, why are you a whale?”

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