My girlfriend and I having problems forever…been fighting all the time and she been very mean and shown disrespect..all the time yet I stuck while I can and now over a past month I have been trying to breakup yet she keeps insisting working out the relationship and will do anything to stay with me.
On the other hand all her suicide threats and mood swings have me feeling nothing but hate for her and she been calling me with all kinds of crazy stuff that she can speak I am a very soft person and I can’t take this anymore what can be done here ?

She already attempted suicide and I informed police but she said to them she slept and she is okay…but I later got to know from her friend she had some pills …but then right after the attempt she met me yesterday…and again asking me all questions why this? why that?.now I have been ignoring her calls and everything..but she came to my home now and again trying same shit…
I even said even if we go forward I can’t love her any more..even said that my parents fought because of her suicide attempts yet she still selfish enough to say that she can’t live with out me and started begging for relationship or attempt suicide again…she is not even thinking of her mom or sister…I feel like I am doomed and I have to agree for this relationship.
Are this threats real and how can I handle this situation?

TLDR:- my girlfriend can’t take the break up or else she will attempt suicide again pls help me?

  1. Tell her parents/relatives. Gather evidence proving that she’s threatening you and show it to the police.

  2. You need to treat the threats as real. But you also need to know that if she is really having those heavy thoughts, you are not the person who can help her through to a healthy conclusion. If you think there is actually a threat, you need to take the evidence and share with her family and friends or even the police. Then you need to distance yourself. She needs to lean on her support system and not you. Don’t drag out this break up.

  3. You cannot have further contact with her for both your sakes. Her family needs needs to get her professional help. There’s nothing you can do that can’t make the situation worse.

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