I used to be fun to be around, I genuinely cared for others and I tried to see the light in dark situations.
This year has treated me particularly badly and now I just can’t be bothered, I start the day quite positive and then throughout the day get more and more tired until I am just annoying to be around. I mess up at work and hate myself for it but don’t care as much when I’m tired, I’m quite self sabotaging too and always say things that I know I will not help my case like being bitter about someone who has done me wrong, and I get the worst brain fog which is super frustrating.

I feel like I don’t pay attention to what people tell me about their lives or anything anymore and I just want to be like who I used to be, I want to be positive and genuinely care about others but right now I don’t really care about myself. It’s like I have a grey cloud over me suddenly and I am not very nice and say things to make myself look horrible until I’ve had a a nap and then I can snap out of it.
I have had my bloods done for deficiencies and they’re all good so I’m thinking I might have absolutely no inner peace anymore which is causing me to be so bitter? I just want to be genuinely a kind person again because I definitely can’t fake it.

  1. Mate, it sounds like it’s been real tough for you lately.

    Reading what you have written, what comes to my mind is that you are burning out.

    Yes, finding some inner peace will help, as will taking a break, and forgiving yourself for not being able to just cope with everything life throws at us.

    You’re only human after all.

  2. This is literally how I feel. Jesus. I guess I really am burnt out. I feel high all the time. I work like a dog. Have 0 friends. The brain fog is real. I overthink convos and freak myself out. Struggling with my health too. Man I need a break. Maybe I could cry it out good…

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