Vibes were good but we only got one drink. Didn’t ask me if I wanted another, just said we were good with one wen the waiter came. Is that a bad sign?

  1. That to me, suggests that they weren’t keen and were happy to move on.

    FWIW, the first date should always be drinks only, because it allows either party to easily escape if they aren’t feeling it…for example, after only one drink, like in this case…

  2. yea, i wouldnt get to invested in them meeting up with you again. i get sometimes people may only have one drink and have to go regardless of how things are going- its happened to me but they told me this before hand. but more times then not if their interested they will stay as long as they can

  3. There’s no should.
    I had first dates that lasted 2 hours and one that lasted 7 hours (without even sleeping together, we just spent the whole afternoon and evening together).

    In your case, it’s not highly encouraging but don’t give it too much thoughts before you hear from them. They could have had something to do afterwards and couldn’t spend more time, they might have been tired or a bit sick, etc… There are legitimate reasons for cutting a date short without necessarily disliking the other person. Chances for that are slim but not null.

  4. One drink is perfect amount of time. Especially if you met on OLD. It gives you a chance to get to meet someone and decide if you want to take it any further.

    I don’t look at a first date as some big event. I think a quick meet with an easy quick way out is best.

  5. Many guys, especially inexperienced ones when it comes to dating, don’t consider the fact that a date can continue past the first venue. Even when a girl clearly likes them and would be cool to continue hanging out. So a date can go for several hours but often times they’ll just last for 30-45 minutes. As a woman what you should do is as you’re leaving the first place, say to the guy “What do you want to do now?” That’ll make it clear to him that you like him and want to continue the date.

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