So I’m a college and I finally meet this girl and up till that point I was a virgin , we eventually had sex and the 1st time was kinda terrible. I had trouble keeping it up after I took it out of her so she could try and get on top and within those few seconds it just went soft and she tried to help out but it just woudn’t budge. We try again and this time I’m able to maintain the erection and satisfy her ( according to her it was the best sex ever 10/10 and I made her cum 3 times ) but the thing was all that time I’d say around 10 mins I never came close to finishing or even starting really. Then earlier today we had sex again with no issue keeping it up but again I couldnt finish even with 20 straight mins of thrusting. I do like the girl and I do get nervous as this is all still somewhat new to me but I still know what to do about this issue or whats causing it .But I didn’t think nerves would not allow to finish , I also know I don’t have delayed ejaculation because when I use my hand I have no issue and can get it done quickly if needed. Any helps or tips would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Be patient! You’ve been having sex with your hand for years, and had sex with another person only a couple of times. Your sexual response is used to a certain routine. Give your body, brain, and sexual response some time to get used to the new type of stimulation.

    It wouldn’t hurt if you can also make sure that the way you jerk off isn’t causing a problem – dry hand + putting more pressure than a vagina can provide. Use lube and your non dominant hand and use only as much a vagina or mouth can provide. If you’re using condoms during sex, practice with those alone as well.

  2. Stop jerking off. 2. Get out of your head just look at her, focus on how this hot girl( if you find her that attractive) is naked and having sex with you. Focus on what turns you on when you look at her . And stop jerking off, don’t have sex with your hand only losers don’t that, that’s what girls are for.

  3. First time I went for two hours, it went down twice and I didn’t finish. When you’re wanking, you’re not focused on finishing,are you? It’s the same here, just focus on what you’re feeling, make some noise too, the both of you, it helps.

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