I’m new to the dating game, so looking for second opinions here.

I went to a local gig yesterday and stood next to a guy who I found attractive and drawn to, pretty sure he felt it too as he side-eyed me a lot while we danced, and even held eye contact at the end.

I think I found him on the Facebook event post and want to send a message to ask if it was him, but I’m kind of worried that this will make me seem like a creep. Is this weird, or should I shoot my shot? If you’re a guy, how would you react if a girl would message you like this?

  1. Next time talk to him and get his number in person. Some may be creeped out by someone finding their social media without them giving it out.

    Nevertheless, doesn’t hurt to shoot your shot, you have nothing to lose.

  2. Would have been better to get his number there and then, but, personally (as a guy), it’d likely make my day, even if, ultimately, I wasn’t interested.

    In the end, it’s low risk for you and him. If he’s not interested, or creeped out, he can say, ‘no thanks,’ ignore, or block you. It’s not like turning up at his front door 🙂

  3. I wouldnt be turned off by this, and if he’s dating someone else, then he will probably (not all guys are honest!) just let you know. It’s refreshing to hear when people (men and women) kind of go after what they want…

    Continue to shoot your shot, girl….it’ll eventually work out.

  4. Let’s play it through.

    Outcome 1: You message him first and he thinks you are a creep and he doesn’t message you back. If this happens you are in the same place you are in right now. No loss, except a stranger you will likely never ever see again thinks you are a creep.

    Outcome 2: You message him first and he thinks it’s really cute and you all talk and maybe end up meeting up and then who knows.

    Given those two outcomes, what do you think you should do?

  5. More likely to regret not shooting your shot than shooting it and it not going to plan. Worst case scenario you have the story of you shooting your shot and it failing. Before today I’ve never said shoot your shot, but feel I’ve mentioned the shot shooting enough in this comment that I can retire never mentioning shooting shots knowing I’ve discussed the idea of shooting a shot plenty of times in one comment. To be clear, I recommend shooting your shot.

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