Stuff like “be yourself” and associated phrases.

What’s the worst or most cliched thing you’ve heard?

  1. yeah there are tons of meaningless nebulous truisms with no actionable instructions.

    – ‘be yourself’ is one of the stupidest things one person can say to another. it conveys no instructions whatsoever
    – ‘just be confident’ is ridiculous. Obviously if the guy could just flip a confidence switch on, he would. He needs instructions on how to get from a place of low confidence to a place of high confidence.
    – ‘if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be’ this is like the opposite of instructions. Advice should contain instructions.
    – ‘you’ll find someone when you stop looking’ again this is a form of advice that suggests the person should be passive and do nothing. Opposite of instructions

  2. The worst is without a doubt step number 1 of the pick up artists. March up to women who are doing other things and hit on them. It sucks on so many levels.

  3. “Be yourself and ladies will like you”, “just be confident”, “stop looking and someone will find you”, or if you want to go religious “God has the right one for you, you just need to wait on Him to bring them to you” and associated phrases.

    Trust in and use dating apps to meet people. What happens on those is well documented and turns into a problem.

    Cold approaching strange women out in public. Well documented issues on that too. Women always protest about getting approached that way, to the point it becomes a legal issue or otherwise a huge scene that turns into a “huge blast” on Reddit/Tiktok/where ever.

    But seeing women speak to men about how to date women is a big one too. Nothing sexist about it, since women generally aren’t going to know what men experience in dating women and won’t call out the bad things women do when men talk with them about those. I still listen/read a few of the female “dating coaches”, but more for entertainment on how much they often get wrong about men. But always with a grain of salt, more than what men say simply because the men know what it’s like to date women. But there’s a number of huge jokes giving advice on the men’s side too, usually from the PUA side (which I don’t really pay attention to anymore).

    It’s definitely hard to find good solid dating advice anywhere, honestly.

  4. Don’t date a girl with chickens on the front porch. Blue eyed people are evil and will break your heart.

  5. I think “be yourself” is great advice. But it doesn’t mean act like an oafish dolt (if that’s what your “self is). I think it means don’t lie about your opinions or points of view or pretend to be into things you aren’t really into.

  6. “Just be yourself”.

    Dude I’ve been me for more than 40 years now, if it worked I’d have some results.

  7. “Be yourself” should really be rephrased into “love yourself”, and unfortunately requires the kind of self awareness you really only get after being in a relationship for a year or two.

    Worst advice I’ve had was find someone similar to yourself. Shared interests are one thing, but you can get some serious feedback loops if you find someone too close to a mirror of yourself.

  8. “She’s definitely interested in you”

    My gut told me we were just friends and I was ok with that. But my roommates were convinced she was into me. They kept insisting and insisting saying “she wouldn’t hang out with you all the time if she wasn’t” until I thought “maybe they’re right”

    … That made for a very sad night when I asked if we were a thing

  9. “Talk about your feelings.” or “The manliest thing a guy can do is cry.”

    Both are absolutely terrible pieces of advice, nothing has ruined a relationship for me worse than communicating my feelings

  10. My dad to me when I told him a girl said she liked me “Just be yourself”
    *proceeds to fuck it all up because of zero socialization skills and years of bullying*

  11. “just be yourself”

    No, myself at that time was unfuckable in all sorts of ways. I needed to change.

  12. The sigma male mentality, that if you just stay home and grind once you are 30 somehow the dating game will flip and women will start throwing themselves at you because they will get desperate and somehow you having money will attract them.

    Sure. You’ll be 30 and with some money and you will still lack confidence, social skills, and many other things that will make you a better partner and person overall.

  13. “There’s plenty of fishes in the sea”

    College me would have agreed, adult me heavily disagrees lol

  14. Character beats looks all day long.

    It actually does. But nobody else seemed to have been told.

  15. Everything women advised me to do.

    Except one, she was into women and gave epic dating advice. It was thanks to her I actually started having some success dating.

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