Hi all, I need help figuring out what is wrong with me.

I (28f) am terrified of dating, let alone going for someone I love. I have, in total, dated 3 guys. All of whom I didn’t love. At some point I wouldn’t even look them in the eye because they disgusted me. But somehow I prefer that because I know that even if it ends I will not suffer a heartbreak.

In the past couple of years, There’s been two guys who gave me butterflies and all. I avoided them at all costs. If I couldn’t avoid them, I made sure I acted embarrassingly around them. You know when you have a crush you start becoming delusional thinking they’re also into you? Which further fuels your feelings for them? Embarrassing myself would help me thing they don’t even see me that way, which helps in getting over ( a little bit) the crush I have towards a person.

Am i the only one who does this.? What is the problem with me?

  1. > somehow I prefer that because I know that even if it ends I will not suffer a heartbreak.

    Do you recognize the near certainty, without love, of all of these connections, ending?

    Could be a topic to bring up with a therapist.

  2. These feelings could manifest themselves in a range of ways, but this sequence of behaviors isn’t unheard of, it just sounds like your self image is a little undervalued.

  3. Nah, you’re not the only one. I’m 21m and I’ve dated just 2 girls but I didn’t feel much for them.
    Even now, I’m not even sure what a crush is. I, however, do suffer from ADHD so that could be a thing that maybe makes my social life really uninteresting.

  4. Well there is that old saying: “it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all”

    I know it’s scary but give love a chance. You deserve it!

  5. Whats ur zodiac sign sorry for asking. Your persona seems like one girl ive dated before and she was pieces

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