Someone asked for a gin and tonic and said I didn’t put enough gin in the glass by taking the ice out off the glass and complained that its uk measurement as this happened in spain, there were like 8 people there all booing at me and one of them said we are locals and we know how much goes in the glass when they thought I was trying to rob them when I’ve also been told I put too much that I can’t get it right ever. He made me put more gin in the glass, I didn’t know what to do until later on I came up with something to say and I said if you don’t like it then go somewhere else and I cried from embarrassment that I now hate the job and I want to quit after that. I was intimidated from crying behind the bar infront of customers as I’m alone in the bar working on my own that I feel more like a target to be harassed but I don’t own the bar.

  1. Its alright. They were assholes and you were left alone on what i assume is a new job for you. This stuff happens and nobody who is sane would fault you for anything. Next time you know what to say and when it escalates get your manager.

  2. Hey dude (or dudette), it’s fine. Shit like that happens to everyone and it sucks but you’ll look back on it later like I wish that mf’er would try to say shit about his gin now.

    I think it’s perfectly ok if there’s 8 people booing you to ask the crowd “wtf is wrong with you all?” in a half-joking, half serious way. Maybe that will at least turn a couple of them into showing empathy

  3. No excuse for the bullying you received, but I don’t expect a precisely measured gin when I’m in Europe on holiday. The free pour and skewed alcohol to mixer ratio is part of the holiday experience. Check with your manager on what their expectations are first and go nuts. If he says he wants measures, direct the clients ire towards the manager.

  4. You guys don’t use jiggers? Use the measurements and make it in front of them and tell them thats how you’re supposed to make it.

    You have authority as a barkeep. You have to use it with these type of people, you will encounter them more since people get loose when they drink.

    You have to learn to have a back n forth or banter as you guys call it in those type jobs.

  5. That really sucks. You didn’t do anything wrong. When people are angry and rude about pointless bullshit, it says more about them than it does about you.

  6. What a bunch of boozed up asshats!

    Next time take your soda gun and hose them down until they leave.

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