Age range: mid 20s- late 20s


I seem not to bother. It is something I do not want to get into till late 20s or early 30s.

  1. Don’t care, I don’t want to get married. Happy for them but it doesn’t bother me.

  2. I’m happy for them but also sad because of the loss of a friend. But that’s life. We all develop into different directions sooner or later and have to move on.

  3. Cope with what exactly? is getting married some sort of milestone or achievement?

    If my friends are happy, I’m happy for them.

  4. Actually good timing because one of them got married this week lol

    I’m happy for them, really, but it’s not something that I desire so I’m very fine not getting married.

  5. no i dont care for marriage or even see the point so it wouldn’t bother me, their decision is theirs. people back in the day did because its traditional, but the divorce rate is so high these days you’re putting yourself at risk for very little benefit

    takes 1 piece of paper to get married, a whole stack to get divorced

  6. None of them male or female ever helped me with my dating struggles (ie “I know someone single!”) other than the proverbial pat on the back. I stopped talking to them and shut off all social media so as to not be reminded how everyone else is progressing. It’s been a few years now, I’m getting along just fine, and I don’t have to pretend happiness or have any obligations.

  7. I got married at 25, so beat the vast majority of my friends to it.

    Although some of them are beating me to their 2nd marriage – but that’s an achievement I’m not aiming for.

  8. Nothing to really cope with… Usually I end up having to go to their next wedding as well. So don’t feel bad if you happen to miss or skip the first one.

  9. I used to be jealous about friends “accomplishing more faster”, I’m not anymore. Jealousy is never helpful. It’s not a race, I’m moving at my own pace.

  10. What is there to cope with ?

    Be happy for them and keep living your life until you’re ready/fund the person you want to marry

  11. What’s there to cope with? I’m married, and 1 of my 3 close friends are married as well, and we all see each other all the time. We meet up at the field, run routes
    And throw the ball to each other, and we hit the bar every now and then and grab a drink or 2. I honestly don’t see why people look at a friend getting married, as the end of a friendship

  12. I’ve been married for 14 yrs. I cope by telling them “don’t do it” and list my reasons. Namely saying that marriage is nothing more than a legal binding agreement and that you can still wear wedding bands and live 100% the same as any married couple and no one would know but the govt.

  13. Usually you get invited to the wedding and go. you go to work the next day/after the weekend is over.

  14. >I’m also not taking anyone back after he gets separated/divorced.

    You don’t sound like a very good friend my guy.

    You sure it was lack of time that fizzled it?

  15. All those who realized this is about the loss of a friend (or more so the amount of time that friend used to spend with them) than competing to get married understood the assignment, you guys are good friends aaand have good friends!

  16. Happy for them but sad that I will be seeing the friend way less. Especially once their kids start coming around. Honestly, I have lost touch with more friends due to their (awesome) marriages then anything else in the last five years.

    I keep on keeping on. I have a mission to pursue that someone else’s marriage will never get in the way of. That mission being career and finding a quality woman of my own.

  17. As early as possible, you should learn/teach the following: life flows and our seasons/priorities/habits change, and those from people around us do to. It’s important to be aware and at peace with impermanence.

    One movie that addresses this metaphorically is Banshees of Inisherin. See the main character as someone who’s in a type of comfort zone watching people around him changing priorities or moving on in one way or another.

    When you friends get married you should compliment them, share their joy and simply flow with life

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