I 19f am not a virgin, haven’t been for two years. I just got screened because me and my boyfriend are transitioning to sex without protection because of a vasectomy. I have a clean bill of health. Now yesterday, I was just minding my business, jilling off as per usual and I went to sleep perfectly happy. The morning I woke up, I felt very “sticky”, went to the bathroom and when I wiped I saw blood, it went from dry to a light pink. Now again I’ve been screened, so you can imagine how confused I am to how I started bleeding out of nowhere, it also didn’t continue, my period isn’t due for another week. Google has been saying it’s my hymen, or that I’m having implantation bleeding, but I don’t think it’s either, I’m not even sure it’s related??? I also have relatively safe sex, but lately a lot of condoms have been breaking, but there wasn’t any “finished” product in them. Idk I’m a hypochondriac.

Has this happened to anyone else?

  1. I’m probably wrong, but this sounds exactly like the implantation bleeding I experienced and im now 6 months pregnant.

  2. How did you masturbate? Internally, or with clit stim? I’m just asking because I have two clit suckers and one doesn’t bother me, but if I use the other one too much it it has made me bleed a tiny bit.

    It could also just be breakthrough bleeding mid cycle, which isn’t really anything to worry about unless it keeps happening, you might want to mention to a doctor.

    Implantation bleeding isn’t super common, but it can happen. If you’re worried, take a test. If negative, maybe take another in a week just to be sure.

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