There are a number of subs on Reddit for people experiencing Male Pattern Baldness and other hair loss conditions.

The most frequent posts are from young men who seem to have a full head of hair but are worried that they are balding.

I just want to hear from men who thought they were balding at some point in their life, but this either did not eventuate, or alternatively that you slowly lost some hair but would not describe it as typically progressive Male Pattern Baldness.

I hope to hear from some guys who did NOT eventually go typically bald, to give some younger guys hope that not all thinning equates to eventual severe hair loss.

  1. No, never. But the barber keeps shaving a big divot out the back of my head for some reason.

  2. I was in denial for a couple of years but eventually you can’t deny what you see in the mirror. It’s really not that bad to lose your hair

  3. Uh, my hairline has definitely changed and become thinner near the front of my scalp but the balding I’ve seen in others isn’t happening so it seems. I believe it’s fairly normal for hair to thin as we age.

    I’ll probably do some sort of treatment eventually, but I have some balding friends and some friends who still have flush hair.

    Not sure when it really starts to kick in but at 34 it hasn’t. The greys have, though.

  4. During college I was convinced I was going bald. Turns out you lose hair when you are stressed. Don’t feel like I’m balding anymore

  5. I had a not very diplomatic person comment about my losing my hair (receding) when I was about 26 or 27. I’m 53 now and though I definitely have lost a good amount of hair since I was a teen, I’m still merely “on the road” to baldness. I think there’s a good chance I’ll get there in my 60s or 70s but that’s OK.

    If you’re young now and follow this slow pattern by the time you’re my age there may be new ways to totally reverse baldness. I would be surprised if there weren’t, and maybe much sooner than that. There will be a few bucks wrung out of *that* patent.

  6. An ex of mine went through a balding scare. He just had a big forehead and widow’s peak, and thin hair. After looking back at old photos of himself he was able to realize his hair hadn’t changed in 15 years, so it probably wasn’t balding.

    As a woman I actually went through a similar scare too! I also have large forehead and widow’s peak, but I could tell the edges were receding and my hair was thinning. Turned out I just needed more folate in my diet. All good now.

  7. Not quite the scenario you were looking for but when I was 26 I discovered my hair was thinning; my roommate had installed a mirror on the bathroom door such that you could see the back of your head in the reflection. I freaked out, and had a severe body image crisis basically that really affected my mental health. I thought for sure I’d be fully bald before 30. In reality, it wasn’t that bad and I look back at old photos from those days and I’m like wow I was so good looking and barely balding wtf was I thinking. I am 33 now, and somewhat noticeably “balding” in that I have a decent sized thin spot on the crown of my head (a hazard for sunburn), but I still get normal haircuts and still get told I have nice hair and stuff. I kind of expect to make it to 40 looking like this, which is fine by me and a way better outcome than I was sure I’d have.

    So I guess that is to say, even if you *are* balding somewhat, it a.) may not be as bad as you think it is, since anxiety can distort your perception and b.) may not advance as quickly as you think.

    A perfect Ronald Reagan head of hair is very rare, especially over 30. Most guys who are all the way bald (Norwood 7) got there in their 20s. Plenty of people park somewhere in between and hold onto that for decades.

  8. In my early to mid 20s my hairline changed, went up just a bit higher at the temples. I was concerned at the time, but thankfully it didn’t continue receding at all.

    35 now, hasn’t gone any further. Still have a full head of long thick, curly/wavy hair, reaching about the middle of my back.

  9. I was super stressed recently, and my hair was thinning. When the stress resolved, my hair mostly came back.

  10. The gene is in my family but it criss crosses from what ive been told. So all the men on my fathers side lost their hair pretty hard in their 30s. My mom’s dad had a full head of hair so did her brother, and so i take his hair thank god. Its thinning but not nearly as bad as my father’s side. It’s not something im prepared to deal with even at 37. If my sister has a boy, he’ll be bald at 35.

  11. Yes!

    From about 22-28 every time I would shower no matter what I did or tried I could count on having to clean a hairball up from the shower drain that would almost completely block water flow. I always had a head of fair and thin hair so this was super worrying for me because I thought for sure I’d be balding and maybe bald by 30.

    My hairline definitely receeded a bit, but other than that, my hair loss stopped around 28/29 and now I haven’t really noticed any big changes since then. Super weird and have no real explaination.

  12. No, I started balding at 14 and looked like Friar Tuck (but with a massive beard) by the time I was 16. Shaved my head at 18 and never looked back.

    But don’t fret, I have hormone problems and this doesn’t sound anything like what you’re describing.

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