does that even offend you or do you hear it and think “there’s some truth in it” ?

  1. I wouldn’t say I’m offended by it, but it’s a generalization, so it’s not really true.

  2. It’s the same as saying all women are sluts. It’s wrong and I just assume that the person saying it is a stupid asshole.

  3. Not really. Most men are sexually starved due to how picky most women are.

    If women were in a sexual deficit they too would be open to fucking ‘anything.’

  4. Are we in the painting sub? Because that statement uses the broadest brush I’ve ever seen.

  5. It’s just as silly as “all men are the same” so it’ll just make me ponder about the person saying it’s level of maturity.

  6. Had a woman say that to me, I responded “yeah but not you”

    She got incredibly offended and upset, complained to HR, was worth it

  7. Not offended. But I will categorize the speaker as a moron studying to be an idiot if I hear them say it.

  8. This is downright false and disrespectful too. I would immediately leave a girl who says this to me.

  9. Yeah just not true, I’ve escaped more than once from an unwanted encounter. Of course before the actual question was mentioned, gracefully

  10. Not at all. There is a saying in my country: “if it’s not your shirt, don’t put it on”.

    If someone said that to me, then there are only two possibilities: either I did something to warrant it and therefore it’s on me to prove to the other person otherwise (if I care to do so) or this person is talking nonsense and I should pay no mind to them.

  11. Very. It’s just not true. Not all males are obsessed with sex. I hate it when people assume that I’m obsessed with sex just because I’m a male. I’m not interested in sex at all.

    Sweeping generalizations like that are always ridiculous.

  12. I like how there are two co-existing stereotypes. One that men will fuck anything, and the other that men are super picky and only wanna fuck supermodels or whatever.

  13. I do find it offensive and I don’t think there’s any truth in it

    I hate being written off as the horrible, disgusting, slobbering, knuckle dragging, walking erection that so many people insist men are

  14. Not at all, some men would. Most wouldn’t, but the person saying it probably doesn’t have a large world view or has some bad experiences.

  15. I’m not personally offended. I’m ashamed that enough men have made that true enough to say.

  16. It’s funny because the women who like to say this are usually the ones also complaining that men are way too picky.

    Schrodinger’s penis.

  17. Not very. I was in the army and a fraternity in college. A lot of dudes will just about fuck anything.

  18. Some men will fuck anything. So will some women. I wonder if there’s a term for judging a gender based on the actions of some of its members…

  19. Very, because at it’s core that thinking justifies so many sexual and plutonic injustices inflicted on men.

    Rape, sex with underage males, lack of female friends when in a relationship, always having to judge your actions around everyone because you don’t know how they’ll interpret it. Hell it’s actually used to justify male genital mutilation, claiming it will curb sexual urges.

  20. I don’t get offended by that kind of stuff. There’s probably a grain of truth in it, but I definitely have standards myself, haha

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