
In the general chat of a discord server, I wrote this message. I was breaking what I perceived to be a silence, even if it was only a few minutes of silence. I don’t think I was overposting the person above me. Someone responded to the first half by greeting me (due to lag it was before the second half of my message was posted) so I feel like the way i was completely ignored afterwards means there was something wrong with the way i said the second sentence. I’m specifically talking about the second line in this message. Is there something cringe about it? This keeps happening, I keep trying to start a conversation and everybody just ignores me. Suddenly people have tons to talk about aside from small talk, which makes me feel extra bad because it’s like.. wow my message was so boring that it has summoned an entire other three conversations. Was my message boring, cringe, poorly worded, a bad topic, or what?

1 comment
  1. Who knows and why would you care? Chatting is a waste of time (I hope you’ll soon become to realise that).

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