Americans, how does a bison taste like?

  1. It’s really really good. Very lean but cooked right, it’s not dry at all. It’s like a slightly gamey (not too bad tho) version of beef. It’s a very good meat for burgers, chili and Italian meat sauces. I can’t cook regular cow steaks for shit so I don’t try to make bison steaks myself, it’s way too expensive for me to screw up.

  2. Lean beef. If you try to cook it exactly like a beef steak you are going to have a bad time.

  3. Pretty much like beef. From being leaner, it has a bit less umami flavor. It has a bit more iron, which some people call mettalic. It can be a bit sweeter.

    But unless you’re eating it as a steak, it’s very difficult to tell from lean beef.

  4. It’s like beef but different. Not as profoundly different as venison or elk or lamb, but very good.

  5. It’s essentially lean beef. There’s a chain restaurant called Ted’s Montana Grill that has bison on the menu. I like their bison meatloaf and bison nachos.

  6. The taste isn’t bad. But the texture is very tough. You have to chew it much more than a regular beef burger. I personally am not a fan. (a childhood friend’s family owned one of the largest bison ranches in the country so I had it quite a few times)

  7. It’s awesome! It tastes a lot like typical beef, but it’s very lean. Makes for damn good burgers.

  8. Take a cow, make it go to the gym every day and eat nothing but prairie grasses and wildflowers, for a few years, then slaughter, cook and eat it.

    Same thing.

  9. It *tastes* like lean beef.

    It’s very healthy. In fact, there’s less fat, cholesterol and calories than *chicken*, and has more protein than cow.

    Unfortunately, that means it has fewer culinary applications – and it’s harder to prepare, since fat is a great flavoring and binding agent. But if you’re on an athlete or on a low-fat diet, it’s a great way to get beef flavor without a lot of the ‘bad stuff’. Unfortunately, it costs twice as much.

  10. Really good, but it cooks really quickly and overcooking it is going to ruin the meat.

    There’s a bison vendor at the State Fair that is delicious.

  11. Bison is very similar to Beef, sort of like the difference between Chicken and Turkey. When it is ground up into patties you might not even notice the difference, but if you have a decent-sized chunk you can definitely tell there is a different taste.

  12. I tried a bison burger once and I found that it had less flavor than a beef burger. Haven’t been interested in it since.

  13. Like beef, but stronger and leaner without being dryer.

    Where do you live? You can probably find buffalo meat in Asia. It’s similar, but bison has even less fat than buffalo though.

  14. Beef. Used to get the bison ribeye when a steakhouse we used to frequent would have it. Was less fatty than a cow rib eye.

  15. Like lean, slightly gamey. You have to be a bit more gentle with it than beef due to lower fat content cooking it more like you would venison.

  16. It’s pretty good! I like lean meat so I prefer it to beef when it’s around. It tastes a little bit more like elk or venison than beef, but you can tell it’s a cow if that makes sense

  17. I’m going to vent because I see Americans do this all the time too. It’s either “How does bison taste” or “What does bison taste like”

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