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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Matthew Perry has died.

    Did anyone here use to watch ‘Friends’? I guess it was popular all over the world for quite a few years.

    Personally I was never a fan, but I was often with other people who did like it,so I ended up watching some episodes.. back in the days when people still watched TV series together!

  2. LPT: Never buy a white Chevy, you will spend an inordinate amount of time in car parks trying to work out which one of the approximately 3000 white Chevies parked there is your white Chevy. And then when you’re pretty much convinced you found the right one, you walk across the car park and then look at the registration number and…fuck, that’s not it. It’s like a cross between that scene from [Being John Malkovich](https://youtu.be/lIpev8JXJHQ?si=cUxolzRuHXZ242zI) and that sketch from [Mitchell and Webb](https://youtu.be/Ga56SNw21ew?si=UL_NyZfbHaph9R1t).

    Question: Do (male) politicians in your country feel obliged to be seen drinking beer? In the UK it’s almost compulsory to have at least one photo op posing with a pint to show you’re a “man of the people”, and I’m wondering if this is just a British thing or a general Northern/Central European beer country thing.

  3. Huh, it seems like we have changed to winter time. Yawn. Need to change all the clocks.

    Today is the 100th anniversary of our Republic. Thanks to our traitor politicians all formal celebrations have been cancelled for non-reasons. And Erdoğan thinks that he’s the Sultan of Ottomans or something. Fuck that guy’s massive ego.

    A lot of people have composed 100th year marches. I listened to a few. Some were quite okay, others less so.

  4. There’s a high resolution population density [map](http://www.luminocity3d.org/WorldPopDen/#5/35.729/-104.106) available online. I have to say that article linked in the map about the density that the average person lives at was interesting.

    Germany seems to have a unusually high dispersion of population compared to its neighbors with a high proportion of residents living in medium density medium sized towns.

    South America and Australia are just voids of population with the exception of a few widely dispersed cities. South American cities themselves are extremely dense though.

    Asian cities are extremely dense, especially South Asian ones. I’m guessing the transportation network is extremely bad in South Asia and most people have to walk to work. Some countries like India and China still have lots of medium density towns in their plains though.

    US cities aren’t very dense with a clear contrast between the cities that developed before cars and ones that developed after cars. California seems to be the exception now because land is so expensive there.

  5. I spent the night out in a national park. What surprised me was the amount of other hikers, especially young people. There’s not enough snow for skiing despite temperatures being below freezing, the evenings are dark already, and the weather was cloudy, meaning no chance of seeing the night sky, but still the common use lean-to shelters were full of people enjoying time outdoors. I guess it’s cool how people appreciate the lack of bugs which means you don’t need a tent or even a bugnet.

  6. What a joy it was today to watch Kalle Rovanperä win his second consecutive World Rally Championship title! I was born into a rally family, I grew up watching Tommi Mäkinen and Marcus Grönholm win titles, and then there was a 20 year drought when it comes to Finnish rally champions, until now. Two years in a row. Gotta love what Rovanperä is doing. He is only 23 years old and already cementing himself in the pantheon of greats, not just in rally but all motorsports.

    Finnish rally is in a such good place right now. As a lifelong Finnish rally fan that brings me so much joy.

  7. It hurts that one of Prince’s funkiest tracks, [Sexy M.F.](https://youtu.be/bfHsF6FKgb4?si=AvfO0lNZlfBeT9JR&t=96), has Prince rapping on it. He was a great musician, a great singer, a great artist, but he wasn’t a great rapper. It’s so trash.

    MF DOOM, who to me is the greatest rapper ever, died a few years ago on Halloween. Even though we learnt of his death only few months later on New Year’s. But nevertheless, I listened to Madvillainy yesterday, an absolutely goated album MF DOOM did with the producer Madlib in the early 00s. Like, listen to MF DOOM on [Figaro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4P5RR4jPGg). And then compare that to Prince. One is a line after another ending in a one syllable end rhyme elementary school style, and the other is a complex web of rhymes where there isn’t a single vowel that is out of place.

    Well, at least Sexy M.F. isn’t as trash as Robbie Williams on [Kids](https://youtu.be/cvn6eYJh-0c?si=8HKxtDtECHQIl5WE&t=216)… That song is so fun, but when it reaches the part where he raps it ruins it all.

    Which reminds me, Kylie Minogue has had such a long career. She just released a new album, which I understand is doing quite well. You almost forget that I Should Be So Lucky and all those songs are from the late 80s. I always think of the early 00s when it comes to Kylie Minogue, though. Spinning Around, Can’t Get You Out of My Head, et cetera. Great songs.

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