Hi, heading to Manchester for a wedding this weekend and I’m wondering how much money is standard in a wedding card in the UK? In Ireland it’d be €200 per couple?

  1. I usually just sellotape three £1 coins in a card.

    I’d say the standard is probably £50 – £200 depending on how much you like them.

  2. How well do you know the couple? How much can you afford? Are you going all day or just the evening? What have they asked for? Is there a separate wedding list?

    I would say all these things play a factor in the amount you’re putting in a card, but personally I’d say £/€200 was at least double what I would even consider giving. Or maybe I’m just tight …

  3. What you can afford above anything else! I’d agree around £50 depending how close you are and if your gone alone or taking family or friends! I think £50 is more than enough either way!

  4. Are you a day guest or an evening guest? This is important. If giving money, £50 minimum. If buying a gift you can probably spend less if you shop well and find something on sale or buy something personalised.

  5. £100 as a couple for the last one I went to. I had spent about a grand on a overly elaborate stag by that time so money and goodwill had run out by that stage

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