Wanted to know what’s the real deal for the first time as I haven’t had it yet.

  1. I had my first time in college with a girl i ended up dating for a total of 3.5 years. We were both each other’s first time. It was spontaneous. We would sleep next to each other for a while one we started dating, but one night we woke up and started making out and clothes started coming off like usual. Eventually she was on top of me and we were right up the point of no return. I guided her gently with my hands and we took things very slowly. I loved her, and more than anything, the feeling of being accepted by her in that moment was euphoric. We didn’t go crazy, and stopped fairly soon after. We hugged and exchanged words of affirmation and went back to bed.

  2. (F) it was very painful. My body wasn’t used to something of that size being shoved inside. Definitely took many times of doing it for my body to ease up a bit

  3. I couldn’t wait. I felt like I was so ready for it. It wasn’t romantic. There was a little foreplay. I sat in cowgirl position when he entered me. It was painful. Next 100 times were definitely much better.

  4. First time was fine. Needed lube. Got a good laugh out of it that I will share with Reddit/the internet forever. Context: I shower twice a day normally and I clean head to toe because I work in dirty environments.
    My childhood crush and I started dating (still are), one day we decided to spontaneously try having sex and she started off with trying to give me head. My dick ended up tasting of soap because I had just showered less than an hour prior. Got the nickname soap dick as a result.

    TLDR: girl gave me head, tasted like soap. Earned the name soap dick.

  5. Exciting but I just could not cum. I mean… She was satisfied but we stopped because she got sore. I was a bit disappointed.

    The second time, it went to the other extreme and I came instantly. So statistically my endurance on the first two times was perfect.

  6. Terrible. It was painful, but only because I’d never touched myself before and had never put anything inside my vagina before. Didn’t know about foreplay and lube and how important warming up and fingering first is.

    First times don’t have to be painful for women, but they frequently are due to lack of knowledge about how women’s bodies work.

  7. It was unplanned and too amazing as there was a lot of adventure and nothing was pre decided.
    I met a girl post her theatre show and we had a couple of beers, then she said let’s head to your home, sneak me in and we started to watch a movie. After 20 odd minutes, we started making out like crazy and one thing led to the other, luckily I had kept condoms of my friend in the drawer and they were handy. I felt good and we did it twice and we tried 2-3 postions(missionary, doggy, standing) we did it in my balcony and washroom as well. Both were horny and a little buzzed.
    A fuck I ll never forget. Next day my core, legs and my dick were hurting like crazy.
    She was a good friend, with whom I hooked up for a year or so.
    Never looked back since. I had it when I was 21. Not bad aah;)

  8. I truly don’t remember. I (female) was 17 (38 now) and at a New Years Eve party, I was drunk & high (weed) to where I blacked out and don’t remember 99.9% of it. The guy was 21.

    I was completely taken advantage of, but didn’t feel it & didn’t realize how messed up of a situation had occurred until I became an adult and reflected back on those years.

    (* edited some grammar errors)

  9. i was 15, on acid, friend’s older sister seduced me, had sex in the grass at night

  10. The girl had been part of my friend group, and none of my friends were virgins (or at least lied about it) so I always lied and said I’d had sex before. I started dating this girl, we had sex, and we were together for year before I told her that I had been a virgin before her. She didn’t believe me, we were together for like 5 years all-in and she always thought I was lying about losing my virginity to her, it started a lot of fights lol

    TL;DR I guess I did well because she didn’t believe I’d been a virgin before her 😂

  11. Great, even though i didnt finish once. I was 19 & she was 33. Was good to be with a women who was older for a first time as she knew what to do. No pressure, but she led me through it and well, im thankful for it!

  12. Lousy. It hurt, and I just wanted it to end.

    Be sure you do it with someone who genuinely cares about your comfort, and checks in with you. Experience isn’t enough; be absolutely sure they care about *you* as a person as well.

  13. (F) I was wayyy too drunk and I can’t actually remember the first time, I can’t remember it going in or what it felt like. I can remember being on top for a bit and I remember laying on the edge of the bed and him holding my hips up as he stood. He was older than me, 24 and I was 18. I didn’t tell him I was a virgin until the next morning and he was super apologetic, and I was like sooo wanna go again? I figured I might as well have some sort of memories from my first time.

    In the morning I was a little sore, I didn’t know what to do with my hands or my body and I probably moaned a lot more than I should have. It didn’t feel very good, and eventually I faked an orgasm because I wanted it to be over and I felt too awkward to ask him to stop. He ended up jerking off and came on my belly. Never saw him again because he got back with his ex literally a week after which tbh fucked me up a little bit.

    I was still pretty happy about having done it, because it felt like a big pressure was off me, and when I went on dates afterwards I always felt a lot more relaxed about the sexual side of it.

  14. All I remember was how slippery and remember being engulfed and having lil me feeling REALLY warm, almost hot as I went for it the first time with a girl. Also found out she was a virgin. Was a new sensation that felt amazing. After that I think I just let… instinct? Take over. Simultaneously started to discover that my first round stamina was shit. But multiple rounds was what I had to do. Still that way today.

  15. I dont remember, honestly. What I do remember was that I giggled when he pulled his dick out because it caught on the waistband of his boxers and bobbed up and down like a spring. I was 16, had never seen a dick in person before, nervous as fuck, and just couldn’t help it. I felt bad at the time, but over a decade later I still think it’s kind of funny.

  16. M[22] when I lost my V card, it was a horrible experience that gave me anxiety for a long time lmao I was the super romantic type that wanted to have as special moment possible but I lost it to some rando girl at a frat party who used teeth during the blowjob and had a jungle growing out her butthole and was just not a pleasant experience so much so that I didn’t like doggy for years after.

    BUT when you find the person you really click with it’s AMAZING

  17. Honestly, not that great, neither of us really knew what we were doing. The sex itself amounted to a couple of thrusts from the guy and he was finished, I didn’t come anywhere close to finishing myself. In fairness, it was in his dorm room and we were trying to be quiet about the whole thing, there was definitely improvement the second time around.

  18. First time was pretty uhh, yeah, exactly that “uhh, is that how it is?

    Second time though, ohhh my lawd, I went to heaven. She was on top then we did doggy(why do so many women like doggy?) I was not done yet, then she got back on top and kept riding me, it was at this point I allowed my brain to open and just let myself come.

    I swear it was one of the best times ever. My dick just went up as I was typing this, the memory’s still there.

  19. Honestly; Mine was amazing. 😅

    My ex started with sucking my soul out of me, (Yes, my eyes rolled to the back of my head) half laying down / sitting, legs spread like its no tomorrow, looked me with the horniest look I could imagine, grabbed me and shoved my manlyhood inside of her, as deep as she could handle.. Oh my days😅

  20. Guy

    I remember the foreplay well. I fingered her while Avengers played in the background (she like background noise, and loves Marvel). Made it halfway through the movie before switching to sex.

    The sex itself was honestly disappointing, especially with all the societal build up. I had trouble getting hard after fingering her for over an hour and a half. Once I did, we did missionary. And let me tell you one thing, Missionary is not as easy as it looks. The vagina and dick are not so easily aligned. It kept slipping out and didn’t last long.

    And on the way home, I was overcome with a strong sense of, “that’s it.”

    I will say, it does get better. As you figure yourself out, and your current partner.

  21. The actual sex. Not that great. He lasted less than 10 seconds and it hurt. HOWEVER, he did say to me so sincerely that he thought I was beautiful and he felt like the luckiest guy in the world to be with me. My heart melted

    I’m in my 30s but it still warms my heart to this day to think about it. So I guess mixed

  22. It was fantastic actually. He made sure I was VERY comfortable with expressing what I did and didn’t enjoy, which I realize was pretty solid for a 17 year old. I have no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t have anywhere near as much confidence on that front if it weren’t for him.

  23. It was cliche but I will never forget it. She was my high school sweetheart. We were both our firsts. We lit candles and dimmed the lights. We tried all different positions. She kept wincing so I kept asking if I was hurting her but she kept telling me to keep going. She was pretty sore afterwards but it was really nice to share it with someone I really loved and who really loved me. I called my friends to sleepover afterwards bc I was the first to lose my virginity and told them how amazing it was. After that we humped like rabbits and it got better and better each time hahaha. I will never forget it and it’s one of my favorite memories.

  24. I don’t know exactly what the deal is with my male body, but whenever I have sex after a long period without, I seem to suffer from a lot of pulled groin muscles and similar injuries. My first time was no different. She was a very beautiful older woman who knew it was my first time and I was VERY attracted to her. After making out we moved to the bedroom and I was very clumsily working my way into her when *PAIN* – searing *PAIN*.

    Luckily the worst of it didn’t last more than a second or two, but after that it was the dull achy pain you get with those injuries. The solution was to put a bag of ice down there and let it do it’s thing. We fell asleep in each others arms until about six hours later the bag popped and poured icy water all out onto my crotch. We had a good laugh then I feel much better so finished off the job and I was able to put the first notch on my bed.

  25. Virgin, but I might save it for a long while because one night stands are worthless in my opinion, cause my mama raised me right

  26. I was 15 & this was my first boyfriend after three months of dating. He shared a room with his brother and it was Thanksgiving break weekend. I was expecting blood, but there wasn’t any and we were both awkward teenagers, but it definitely happened. Less than five minutes after we finished his brother started pounding on the door to get in saying we sucked at putting our clothes back on.Then you heard his mother yell at his brother to leave us alone and then you heard his dad yell and ask what we were doing in the room closed, and then his mother responding with leave them alone. Definitely awkward high school teenager loses virginity story. 😂

  27. So good, I was obsessed and have been ever since.

    It was New Years Day, first day of 2003, 1 week before her 16th birthday, I was a senior, she a sophomore.. We were home alone, on the carpeted floor of her bedroom. We’d spent the past month sneaking to empty parts of the school to make out, the past couple weeks both being handsy to 3rd base every time we’d make out at her house. She was hungry and ready. Our rhythm and coordination was perfect together, through the relationship was the best sex I’ve had and the first was no exception. We were instantly addicted, ready to go at any time, the next 8 months before I left for college was sex at least 5 days per week.

  28. He knew it was my first time and was so, so gentle; he took it very slow in missionary and would pause when I asked him to. It hurt WAY more than I expected initally, but by the end, the pleasure outweighed the pain & the last thing I wanted was for him to stop. Him inside me felt even better than anything we had done before, and it really blew my mind

  29. My first time I got drunk and was statutory raped by my friends mother. Pretty good though !

  30. I’m not gonna lie my first time sucked it was in my basement and with a guy who was a dbag but hey I lost my virginity and that’s all that mattered but the second time was better not good but better and with my now long term boyfriend it’s honestly the best sex I’ve ever had and don’t think I can find any better. My exes were a little too excited and didn’t care about my well-being or if I was gonna cum. Only like 2 times ever a guy made me cum until I met my now boyfriend who makes me cum every time or even just does it for fun he will ask to eat me out and such and it’s great to be appreciated and wanted like that. In my opinion it didn’t affect me emotionally losing it to some dbag because I got my experience i got the info I needed and it helped in the long run but let’s just say if you wanna lose it but want it to be with someone who matters then don’t do what I did and to a guy who just thinks you’re hot and wants to bone but find someone who gets you emotionally and then intimate times will be a lot better I promise.

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