Hey guys, What’s your language?

  1. Madchester mate. My language is English but a proper mint version when I’m speaking that’s well better than normal English. 😅

    And I know a little bit Netherlands/Dutch from living with my ex.

  2. Native Dutch, usable English, limited French, German, Russian, classical Greek, Latin.

  3. English, used to be fluent in Dutch, but fading from lack of use, and I can understand German.

  4. Hebrew, Russian, English and a bit of Czech (I can somehow talk but can’t write in czech)

  5. Engilsh and Italian. Day to day I speak English but with my family I speak Italian. I can also speak Afrikaans but I am not fluent.

  6. Fluent in Mandarin and English, knows a few words in Japanese, French, and dialect from hometown.

  7. Native Russian, fluent English, conversational Dutch, some Japanese and residual bits and pieces of Spanish and Portuguese.

  8. In dutch and speak Dutch (of course), English, a bit french, German and Spanish and I can understand some Hebrew words but don’t speak read or write it

  9. Only 2, english and hindi. My job requires me to learn a third language (marathi) so am working on that right now

  10. English, Hebrew, a tiny tiny bit of Arabic, and I can kinda read Russian but not understand it

  11. Native Finnish, fluent English and some Swedish, German, Spanish, Italian and Russian.

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