Sincerely – A single Aussie guy

  1. If a man I already thought was attractive opened his mouth and an Australian accent came out, he would become even more attractive. If a man I found unattractive spoke in an Australian accent, I would find it annoying.

  2. Just remember not to use the C-word. Americans in general do have an affinity for Australians.

  3. I know a decent sized group of men who live in Southern California and are from Australia. All of them report having difficulty dating in America. The accent does not seem to help them and can definitely hurt them. A drunk Australian man might as well be speaking Turkish to an American woman they usually can’t understand anything they are saying.

  4. Not as attractive as you lot think. I used to help Aussie students get settled at college in the US, we ended up having to call a meeting with certain students explaining that their accent isn’t the sex coupon they wanted it to be.

  5. Sure. I hear an Aussie accent and that’s it for me. My panties fly off and I just let the guy do whatever he wants. I am normally a very conservative woman but that accent just peels away all my inhibitions. I hear this happens to all other American women so if you’re visiting here bring lots of protection and have fun!

  6. Not me personally. I actually feel like I’m in a horror movie. It scares me makes me sus of aussie people lol.

  7. According to my wife, it’s superficially attractive. Like it wins some points up front, but it doesn’t take long for everything else about the person to be determinative. Personally I saw it with an old coworker — we’d be at a conference and every woman would get flirty upon hearing his Australian accent but then check out once they actually heard what he had to say. Just a really self-centered dude. So I’d equate an Australian accent to big boobs…gets some attention but promptly doesn’t matter when there’s nothing good behind them.

  8. I find the accent itself appealing but the vocabulary and common terms used by Aussies sound . . . stupid. Sorry.

  9. As a guy I personally don’t like the accent. No offense, but it is probably one of my least favorite accents. I’ve mentioned this before on other similar accent posts, but it’s mostly female accents that I don’t like. If a guy has a similar accent it doesn’t seem as bad to me. Maybe it’s the pitch or something. But I don’t like the typical uptalk of some Australian accents.

  10. Honestly no. Every Australia I’ve met is super nice but super wild and a partier. I’ve never been to Australia so the only aussies I’ve met have been traveling. I don’t care whether you party, it just isn’t what I find to be super hot.

  11. No. The British accent is preferred and Aussie’s slang is sometimes hard to understand.

  12. I’m not going to lie – an Aussie, NZ, UK, Irish accent can often be a noticeable boost when meeting someone for the first time. Most of us only hear the accents in movies or music, so you’ll be seen as a little more “interesting”.

    However, the allure wears off very quickly, so you’ll need to have a good personality to back it up. Your accent can’t be the only interesting thing about you.

    So, if women think you’re a dickhead in Australia, they’ll think you’re one here too… it’ll just click 10 minutes later. Be a good person, treat people well and they’ll respond in kind.

  13. I think their interesting and cute thought the slang can be a bit odd in my opinion. It’s not going to make me fall in love with you on the spot it’s more like an nice embellishment or cover station starter. Something than can help you stand out but not something that will make or break you so you don’t really need to lose sleep over it.

  14. Not me personally, but some might! I’d say if you visited states that don’t get a lot of tourists, that would work in your favor!

  15. I’m in my fifth decade of being obsessed with everything Aussie and accents started it all. My best friend is Australian and I’m in love with him but I’m pretty sure I’ve successfully hid it. *fingers crossed*

  16. Most American women can’t tell the difference between a British accent and an Aussie accent.

    Part of that fault is from years of Geico commercials. Thier stupid little lizard mascot had an Aussie accent, which most American women still think is a British accent.

  17. I asked a coworker who dated an aussie guy for a few months and this is what she said:

    > “The accent itself is a turn on, but the problem is the words and slang they use. It often sounds like they are talking to a child and it was a turn off.”

    I’m not sure which words they are referring to, so do with that what you will.

  18. I can’t speak for everyone, but I think it only gives you extra points if you are already appealing in some way or another. I personally am indifferent to most accents for the most part, with maybe the exception of one in a positive note and one or two in a negative way. If you are already charming it just adds some more brownie points, but if you’re insufferable it makes you even more annoying. Rely on your personality 1st and you will be golden.

  19. I’m so sorry but I think it’s the worst accent. Several aspects of the Melbourne accent resemble typical American English childhood speech impediments, somewhat less exaggerated in other Aussie accents.

  20. Yeah, nah. It depends on who has it, but Americans are generally intrigued by foreigners. That initial intrigue probably won’t last long.

  21. I mean, they are nice to listen to. But they don’t overpower a shit personality or bad hygiene or anything.

  22. Australian accents/slang usually sound so goofy to me. If a guy is already attractive and charming then maybe it’ll add to his charm a bit but otherwise it’s not a particularly attractive accent on its own.

  23. Novelty is always interesting! However, I’m partial to a nondescript American accent myself.

  24. Ngl I think I hear too many aussie and Canadian accents, both sound relatively normal to me at this point if they’re not super thick

  25. Lmao definitely not as popular as you might think. Personally, I find it rather grating, but I guess it depends on the person’s voice.

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