When did you become and develop to your full confident being?

  1. I’m 37 and find myself still growing in confidence as I continue to grow in competence and ability, and as I build a track record of succeeding at different things. But I suppose I was around 30 when I started to feel like I had a decent handle on things, for the same reasons. My marriage was doing well, my kids were doing great, career was taking off. I noticed I was going to people I look up to with questions less and less and others were approaching me with theirs more.

  2. 15. No wait, 19. What about when I turned 22? Actually it was 28. No, maybe 34. Ah, definitely 37. Ok, now I’m the most confident I’ve ever been, so with absolute certainly it’s 41.

  3. Confidence is a lifelong process. You’ll have experiences that’ll build you into a more resilient individual

  4. I think most men get more confident as they get older. Part of that of course is we care less about what others think as we get older, and that helps with confidence a lot. I don’t need affirmation of everything I do, which makes it much easier to be confident in my decisions. In terms of the greatest change, probably around 21. Being in college gave me opportunities to just be myself but also to try new things. The next biggest bump was probably in mid 20s when my career was firmly established and people began to seek my input.

  5. I would say late 30s, by that time I had been through so much bullshit and still managed to come out the other side relatively unscathed that I just began to take it for granted that no matter what the fuck happens, I’ll find a way to handle it so why worry.

  6. Confidence comes with experience. I’m confident about what I’m good at, and not about things I’m not. If I was confident about things I knew jack shit about, that would be blind arrogance or narcissism.

  7. Am I confident when I disagree with a coworker on something, when that coworker has been doing the job for a decade longer than me? Well, probably a bit if we’re having that discussion, but I would fully expect that they can tell me what bit I missed that means that I’m wrong in this case.

    When a teenager gives me attitude, do I think they’re any different than a puppy showing off its growls? No. It’s cute how they think they’re all grown up.

  8. You’re never fully confident, it’s a lifelong journey of growth. Just focus on being a better person today than yesterday.

  9. Sexual confidence: 18

    Professional confidence: 30

    Overall social confidence: born with it

  10. Depends on the person. I know people in their 40s and even 60s who struggle with confidence. The biggest factor for me was realizing that most people are insecure, and it shows in subtle ways. Most people also lack a lot of self-awareness and have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Insecurity and ego go hand in hand. So when they’re judging or mistreating others, they’re not doing much active self reflection. This made me have confidence and lose the need for validation as I no longer saw credibility in how people judge others.

  11. 29 and just starting to find mine. I’ve been successful in school, relationships, my career etc and just never built any up until about 6 months ago it started to click. I believe you hit a certain age (different for everyone) and just start caring less and less about what random people think and start to validate yourself for a change. That’s when life starts

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