I’m a 21M been talking to a girl for about a week, we met on a dating app and clicked almost instantly. We unfortunately had to cancel our date yesterday as she was ill. However, we are going to reschedule for a day next week when she’s better. I told her ‘drop me a message when you’re feeling better I can do Tuesday or Wednesday’. Should I message and ask her how she is feeling or just wait for her to message. I just want to know what day we’re going to meet so I can arrange plans.

  1. it’s fair to ask bc you do need to arrange plans. u can also say something that u atleast need to know a day or two before the tues or wed.

  2. She cancelled so the ball is in her court as to when the next move will be made. Don’t double text, it will accomplish nothing you already told her to let you know.

  3. She replied after and said ‘ok will do’ so I wouldn’t be double texting, unsure whether to ask if she’s feeling better.

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