I’m (23F) planning on going out with my friends, what is appropriate since I have a BF?

Me (23F) and my BF (23M) are in vegas for a few days along with my friends, all women around my age, we’re planning on going out of course.

Most of my friends are single and I’m one of the only ones in a long term relationship, and they want to go clubbing and go to magic mike or thunder down under, but i’m not exactly sure if this is considered appropriate especially since i’m in a relationship, and cause I don’t find the idea of my BF going out and watching half naked women on stage appealing but I mean I’m going because my friends want to.

So are these appropriate? Thank you

  1. The boundaries are really up to the two people in the relationship. If you wouldn’t like him to do the same, I’d say don’t do it. But that is a boundary you need to discuss with him.

  2. I’d say, talk about it with your boyfriend. Let him know how you think about it and that you have your doubts. Then he can respond to that 🙂

  3. This is really dependent on your boyfriend and whatever his boundaries are –

    I personally wouldn’t care if my (non existent) bf wanted to go spend a weekend out in Vegas and doing whatever so I’d expect him to allow me to do the same – I’d never cheat or lie in anyway to him but I don’t see anything wrong with wanting to go out and have a good time with friends.

    This is something you’d have to talk to him about but if you’re not comfortable with him doing it then you can’t really be hypocritical and do it yourself.

  4. As a guy, I would find it highly inappropriate for my girlfriend to be going out, with a bunch of her single girl friends, during a trip that I am on with her, to clubs and sexually suggestive shows, without me.

    And you say yourself you wouldn’t like it if the roles were reversed. Could he then go to strip clubs with his friends, and then turn to you and say “Well…I only went because my friends wanted to?” Would that fly with you? I don’t think so, NOR SHOULD IT!

    Furthermore, single girls have a bad habit of egging their taken friends into doing things that put their relationships at risk. Single girls keep other girls single.

    I would suggest not going out with your friends in this capacity. Find something to do with your boyfriend instead, or do a group activity with everyone where he can be included.

  5. Don’t cheat 🙂 that’s it lol have fun. Let him know every once in a while that you’re thinking of him.

  6. As a guy I would totally support her partying with her single friends. Clubs can be so much fun for people who like to dance. I think going to those Magic Mike type shows is hilarious and I’d want to hear all about it.

    I trust my gf and want her to have fun.

    However if you don’t want him going to strip shows, it’s a massive double standard to go yourself. If you don’t want him doing something, you also shouldn’t do it.

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