It’s hard for you to even talk about your wins with “friends” because It’s seen as bragging and they start throwing shots at you, but when you talk about some L’s you took all your “friends” are suddenly so invested lol. Even when I see like YouTube videos of guys bagging hot women, how much money they made doing something they love, or just loving life, the comments from other guys are mostly negative.

  1. >It’s hard for you to even talk about your wins with “friends” because It’s seen as bragging and they start throwing shots at you, but when you talk about some L’s you took all your “friends” are suddenly so invested lol.

    get better friends

    >Even when I see like YouTube videos of guys bagging hot women, how much money they made doing something they love, or just loving life, the comments from other guys are mostly negative.

    the internet is a toxic cesspool and not real life

  2. I’m guilty of this without the shots. It doesn’t come from a malicious place. It’s self-dissatisfaction. It’s tough seeing your friend living it up and having no trouble getting what you feel is missing in your own life. It’s not that you want your friend to fail. It’s that his crazy successes remind you of your own failures. I’ll never talk shit, but it does make me uncomfortable because I’m not secure in who I am right now.

    Is it kind of petty? Yeah. But even with a shit ton of introspection and effort, it’s hard to curb those feelings. If you’re a guy with self-esteem issues, it can be tough being around someone who outshines you everywhere you go. One of those things to work on. Just takes time.

  3. This is not at all like my experience with my male friends. We are very kind to each other

  4. >It’s hard for you to even talk about your wins with “friends” because It’s seen as bragging and they start throwing shots at you

    No. What you have are not really friends.

    >Even when I see like YouTube videos of guys bagging hot women, how much money they made doing something they love, or just loving life, the comments from other guys are mostly negative.

    Are they? I haven’t seen Francis Bourgeois being shit on in the comment section of his videos. And that guy is absolutely loving life. Or any youtuber celebrating silver, gold, or whatever button. Or any youtuber talking about their actual success.

    And guys bragging about how much they make, or women they end up with, well, those are not seen as bragging, those are literally bragging.

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