I am 18, not very experienced in life (as i think).
I dont have a girlfriend ever, but i would to date and have a girlfriend.

But from last few weeks i dont know why i have a fear of being cheated on in relationship.
Its so bad that whenever i saw a post on reddit or insta or anywhere on social media about a girlfriend cheating on his boyfriend ( or boyfriend cheating on girlfriend ) it make me disgusted, of them and my heart beats faster due to anxiety.

I fear that if a date someone give them my love and time and they cheat on me, i cant handel it.

Thinking about it just increases my anxiety.

I dont want that, but i dont want to be alone, i want to love someone and be loved by someone.

There are so many people posting and sharing about that they get cheated.

No matter what i do my mind just keep going back there.

It just seems like there are no loyal girls or happy couples.

I just keep thinking why would anyone cheat on someone who loves them. I mean they can just breakup.

Some people saying they did it my mistake or thay are drunk. I cant handle it even its a mistake. I just can’t.

And as i never had a relationship these things
haunt me even more as i have no experience with love and partner.

I dont know what to do with of that trust issues. How to overcome it.
I don’t even know that if cheatings happen that much or just my mind is fucked.

What should i do help me plz. Any advice as i expect that you people are a lot older and experienced than me and have relationships how do you feel and trust your partner.

Also this is affecting my studies and productivity so much i cant tell you.
Some times i just cry thinking of this.

Any help/advice

(Sorry for very long post, but i cant express my feelings in words very well its more serious that it looks)

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you need therapy. I’m in a relationship of 7 years and have never cheated, nor would I have ever thought about it.

    Have you been betrayed in the past and that’s why it keeps coming up?

    I’m a lot older than you, so perhaps being more secure comes with age

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