I’ve just tried drinking marmite for the first time despite knowing it was a thing for ages. I think I’m hooked already.

  1. Spaghetti bolognaise, my boyfriend’s mam served it for tea one night and I haven’t had it in at least 10 years.

  2. Been drinking Marmite for years. Solid choice. Only just getting into jam. Using it sparingly though.

  3. Toad in the hole. It always sounded wrong. The name put me of when I was a kid. Then I found out what it actually is. Took me to 36 to actually read what is actually is…..

  4. Pickled onion! I always turned my nose up to it as a kid, but I devoured pickled onion flavoured crisps. It wasn’t until Christmas last year where I decided to try some. Now my mum jokes that I’m pregnant when I go through phases craving picked onions.

  5. Sushi, thought of it put me off. Can’t get enough now. Also any kind of shellfish plus octopus

  6. Olives. I couldn’t bear them until about 5 years ago. My granddaughter got me into them and now I love them, especially when they are flavoured

  7. Didn’t eat a pizza until I was 16 and that was only because I’d gone to a firends for a sleepover and found out after I got there that they were ordering domino’s.
    I could easily eat one every other day now but do limit it to 1 or 2 a month.

    Also, I didn’t eat Jam Doughnuts until I was 25 and that was only at the insistence of an ex.

  8. Didn’t eat mushrooms or onions until I was 20, onions was a texture issue and mushrooms just looked slimy and gross. Love both now and eat them regularly!

  9. Chinese food. I never even tried it once until I was 25ish but it’s my favourite take out treat nowadays.

  10. Didn’t try Indian food before I was around 18. Hadn’t even tasted chillies until I worked with my plumber dad who was doing a job for an Indian family many years ago. They fetched a couple bowls of mushy green goop with a chicken leg in each, looked horrible. Dad wasn’t going to try it no matter how offended they might be so I took it upon myself to at least eat some and ended up smashing both down. Homemade chicken saag is still one of the nicest foods I’ve ever had, absolutely love Indian food now although having Indian housemates and working over there for so long has spoiled me and I cant stand most Indian takeaways over here.

  11. Broccoli and Stilton Soup. I don’t like Stilton and I’m not a big fan of Broccoli but put the two together as Soup and it’s bloody lovely

  12. Spaghetti bolognese- didn’t have until I was 16. My mum hated spaghetti ever since her brother told her (as a child) that it was worms. She carried that bias for decades. Now, as a grown-ass 46 year old woman, I eat spaghetti at least once every two weeks lol 😂

  13. Asparagus. We never had it in the house because my Mum doesn’t like it. I thought I’d give it a try one day and really enjoyed it. I don’t buy it very often, but as an occasional treat it’s great.

  14. Nutella. It seemed to be really gloopy and weird with a really cheap taste.

    Had a conversation at work about it, bought a jar that lunchtime, and once I tried it… never looked back. I was 36.

  15. Avocado.

    No reason for not trying it. Just didn’t.

    Finally tried it 6 years ago Its amazing. Bit of salt, pepper, and lemon, then blend the lot. Banging!

    And at like 37p an avocado, I have no idea where the expensive stereotype comes from..

  16. Roasted broccoli. Thought I hated broccoli, turns out i just hate the way my parents boiled it to death. Like as I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten less sensitive to tastes like that but I was really just tolerating the taste of broccoli when it was on my plate until one day my mum decided to roast some instead of boiling it. This was during lockdown so I must have been… 32? 33?

    Same for Brussels sprouts, boiled ones are disgusting, but roasted in a bit of butter? Fucking delicious. I guess it’s the same for any veg according to my tastebuds.

    I don’t like, regularly cook it now or anything. I keep meaning to make more roast dinners and never get around to it lol. But I’ll put broccoli in now whereas I never would have before. Especially the tenderstem type.

    Another one is courgette and aubergine. Didn’t try them till I was 19 when I was making a curry for folk and some people wanted meat and some veggie. I hadn’t made a veggie curry before at that point so they suggested courgette as an alternative. Now I do that all the time when cooking for myself. I always assumed they just tasted like cucumbers, which I’ve never liked (still generally refuse them except in sushi). Which is silly really. I do find the texture a bit funny, but in a kind of… intriguing way rather than a bad way.

  17. Mushrooms – 38 year old and didn’t really like what they were

    I still struggle with some of the more slimy ones but I do love a good chicken and mushroom risotto

    I also love a garlic and mushroom sauce over steak and I never thought I’d order anything other than peppercorn as a sauce for a steak.

  18. Fresh figs. As a kid my dad ate fig rolls. I tried them and didn’t like them. I was at a tapas restaurant the other day. I liked the sound of one dish but it came with fresh figs. I decided to give it a go and the figs were nice and complimented the rest of the dish.

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